Phone Call Vocabulary & Phrases in English

Phone Call Vocabulary & Phrases in English

Effective communication is vital in both personal and professional settings, and phone calls are a significant part of our daily interactions. Mastering phone call vocabulary and phrases can greatly enhance your confidence and clarity when talking on the phone. Whether you’re making a business call, setting up an appointment, or catching up with a friend, here are some essential phrases and tips to help you navigate phone calls with ease.

Introduction to Phone Call Etiquette

Before diving into specific phone call vocabulary and phrases, it’s important to understand some basic phone call etiquette:

  • Greet politely: Always start with a friendly greeting.
  • Identify yourself: State your name and, if necessary, your company or organization.
  • Be clear and concise: Get to the point while being courteous.
  • Listen actively: Pay attention to the other person and respond appropriately.
  • End the call gracefully: Summarize key points and say goodbye politely.

Common Phone Call Vocabulary and Phrases

Starting the Call

  1. Making a Call:
    • “Hello, this is [Your Name]. May I speak with [Recipient’s Name], please?”
    • “Good morning/afternoon/evening, this is [Your Name] from [Your Company]. I’m calling regarding [reason for the call].”
  2. Receiving a Call:
    • “Hello, [Your Name] speaking. How can I help you?”
    • “Thank you for calling [Your Company]. This is [Your Name]. How may I assist you?”

Requesting Information or Action

  1. Asking for Someone:
    • “Could I speak to [Recipient’s Name], please?”
    • “Is [Recipient’s Name] available?”
  2. Leaving a Message:
    • “Could you please take a message for [Recipient’s Name]?”
    • “Please let [Recipient’s Name] know that I called and ask them to call me back.”
  3. Clarifying Information:
    • “Could you please repeat that?”
    • “I didn’t catch that. Could you say it again, please?”

Confirming and Arranging Details

  1. Confirming Information:
    • “Let me confirm that. You said [details], correct?”
    • “Just to be sure, your appointment is at [time] on [date], right?”
  2. Making Appointments:
    • “I’d like to schedule an appointment with [Recipient’s Name].”
    • “Is [time] on [date] convenient for you?”
  3. Agreeing to Arrangements:
    • “That works for me. Thank you.”
    • “I look forward to it. See you then.”

Handling Issues

  1. Expressing Concerns:
    • “I’m afraid there’s a problem with [issue].”
    • “I’m not happy with [issue]. Can you help resolve it?”
  2. Seeking Assistance:
    • “Can you please help me with [problem]?”
    • “I’m having trouble with [issue]. Could you assist me?”

Ending the Call

  1. Summarizing the Call:
    • “To summarize, we’ve agreed on [details].”
    • “Just to recap, you will [action].”
  2. Saying Goodbye:
    • “Thank you for your time. Goodbye.”
    • “Have a great day. Bye!”

For Commonly Used Telephone Phrasal Verbs in English you can check this blog

Advanced Tips for Phone Conversations

  1. Stay Positive: Always maintain a positive and friendly tone, even if the conversation is challenging.
  2. Take Notes: Write down important details during the call to avoid forgetting key points.
  3. Speak Clearly: Communicate your words clearly and avoid speaking too quickly.
  4. Be Patient: Allow the other person to speak without interrupting.
  5. Use Polite Language: Phrases like “please,” “thank you,” and “excuse me” go a long way in maintaining politeness.

Stay Connected with EngVarta

Enhance your English communication skills further by joining the EngVarta community! Follow us on social media for tips, resources, and engaging content to help you master English:

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Mastering phone call vocabulary and phrases in English can significantly improve your communication skills. By using these phrases and tips, you can handle various phone conversations with confidence and professionalism. Remember, practice makes perfect, so don’t hesitate to use this phone call vocabulary in your daily interactions.

The Power of Conversation: How Regular English Speaking Practice Can Boost Fluency


How Regular English Speaking Practice Can Boost Fluency
How Regular English Speaking Practice Can Boost Fluency

In the journey of learning a new language, few practices are as impactful as regular conversation. English, being one of the most widely spoken languages globally, demands proficiency not just in grammar and vocabulary but also in the ability to communicate effectively. In this article, we explore the transformative power of conversation in enhancing English fluency and provide practical tips to make the most of your speaking practice sessions.

Understanding the Importance of Conversation:

  • Natural Language Acquisition: Conversing in English mimics the way native speakers communicate. Through conversation, learners are exposed to colloquial expressions, slang, and nuances that textbooks often fail to capture. This immersion in authentic language usage accelerates the learning process.
  • Cultural Insight: Language is deeply intertwined with culture. Engaging in conversations allows learners to gain insights into the cultural contexts in which English is used. This understanding enhances not only language proficiency but also cultural competence, a crucial skill in today’s interconnected world.
  • Building Confidence: Regular conversation builds confidence in speaking English. As learners engage in dialogues, express their thoughts, and navigate real-life situations, they gradually overcome the fear of making mistakes. This confidence is invaluable, as it empowers learners to communicate fluently in diverse settings.
  • Practical Application of Skills: While grammar and vocabulary are essential components of language learning, they are merely tools for effective communication. Conversation puts these skills into practice, allowing learners to apply what they’ve learned in a meaningful context. This practical application solidifies understanding and reinforces learning.

Tips for Effective English Speaking Practice:

  • Find a Language Partner: Partnering with a language exchange buddy or joining conversation groups provides valuable opportunities for regular practice. Interacting with native speakers or proficient learners exposes you to different accents, speech patterns, and communication styles, enriching your learning experience.
  • Set Realistic Goals: Establish specific, achievable goals for your speaking practice sessions. Whether it’s mastering a particular topic, improving pronunciation, or increasing fluency, setting targets keeps you motivated and focused on your learning objectives.
  • Embrace Mistakes: Mistakes are an inevitable part of the learning process. Instead of fearing them, embrace mistakes as learning opportunities. Reflect on errors, learn from them, and integrate feedback to enhance your speaking skills continually.
  • Diversify Topics: Engage in conversations on a wide range of topics to broaden your vocabulary and deepen your understanding of English. Discussing current events, hobbies, interests, or personal experiences not only keeps conversations engaging but also exposes you to diverse vocabulary and expressions.
  • Listen Actively: Effective communication involves active listening. Pay attention to the words, intonations, and non-verbal cues of your conversation partner. By actively listening, you not only understand better but also learn to respond appropriately, fostering smoother, more natural conversations.
  • Practice Consistently: Like any skill, proficiency in English speaking requires consistent practice. Incorporate speaking practice into your daily routine, even if it’s just a few minutes of conversation each day. Consistency is key to building fluency over time.
  • Seek Feedback: Solicit feedback from your conversation partners or language instructors. Constructive criticism helps identify areas for improvement and provides valuable insights into your progress. Use feedback to refine your English speaking skills and address any weaknesses effectively.

Utilizing EngVarta App for Enhanced English Speaking Practice:

In today’s digital age, technology has revolutionized language learning, making it more accessible and interactive than ever before. EngVarta, a leading english language learning app, offers a unique platform for learners to practice English speaking with live English experts. With EngVarta, users can engage in real-time conversations with experienced tutors, receiving personalized feedback and guidance tailored to their individual learning needs. This innovative approach not only provides valuable speaking practice but also offers instant support and encouragement, helping users overcome challenges and build confidence in their English speaking abilities. By incorporating EngVarta into their language learning routine, learners can harness the power of technology to accelerate their fluency journey and unlock new opportunities for linguistic growth and proficiency.


Regular English speaking practice is a cornerstone of language fluency. By engaging in conversations, learners not only enhance their language skills but also gain confidence, cultural insight, and practical communication abilities. By following the tips outlined in this article and embracing the power of conversation, learners can accelerate their journey towards English proficiency and unlock a world of opportunities for personal and professional growth. So, don’t hesitate—start speaking, start practicing, and watch your fluency soar!

Correct Use Of Has Been, Have Been And Had Been In Spoken English


Understanding the correct usage of “has been,” “have been,” and “had been” is crucial for effective communication in spoken English. These verb forms belong to the present perfect and past perfect tenses, and mastering their usage enhances clarity and precision in expressing actions or states at different points in time.

  • “Has Been” – Present Perfect:

      • “Has been” is used in the present perfect tense for actions or situations that started in the past and continue into the present.
      • Example: “He has been working on this project for two years.”
      • In spoken English, this form is commonly employed to convey ongoing actions or states that have relevance to the current moment.
  • “Have Been” – Present Perfect:

      • Similar to “has been,” “have been” is also used in the present perfect tense. However, it is used with the pronouns “I,” “you,” “we,” and “they.”
      • Example: “We have been friends since childhood.”
      • This structure is frequently used in spoken English to describe experiences, relationships, or actions that have a connection to the present.
  • “Had Been” – Past Perfect:

    • “Had been” belongs to the past perfect tense and is used to indicate an action or state that was completed before another action or event in the past.
    • Example: “She had been to Paris before she moved to London.”
    • In spoken English, “had been” is employed to narrate events that occurred prior to a specific point in the past, providing a clear chronological sequence.

Common Mistakes to Avoid:

  • Confusing Present Perfect with Simple Past:

    • Incorrect: “She has been at the party yesterday.”
    • Correct: “She was at the party yesterday.”
  • Incorrect Use of Pronouns:

      • Incorrect: “They has been waiting for hours.”
      • Correct: “They have been waiting for hours.”
  • Using “Had Been” Instead of “Have Been” or “Has Been” in the Present:

    • Incorrect: “I had been to that restaurant before.”
    • Correct: “I have been to that restaurant before.”

Unlock the mysteries of English grammar with this helpful video on the correct use of “has been,” “have been,” and “had been.” Learn when to use each of these verb forms and improve your spoken English in no time. This video is perfect for English learners of all levels and provides clear explanations and examples to help you master these verb forms. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to take your English skills to the next level! Download the app for one on one spoken English practice with live English experts:


Mastering the correct use of “has been,” “have been,” and “had been” in spoken English is essential for clear and accurate communication. Practice and awareness of the context in which each tense is appropriate will help speakers convey their thoughts with precision, making their spoken English more effective and grammatically sound.

How to Use Articles In English Grammar – A, An, The


how to use articles in english grammar

English articles are tiny words, but they play a significant role in shaping the meaning and clarity of a sentence. Articles are a fundamental component of English grammar, and they can be tricky to master for non-native speakers. In this article, we will explore the three primary articles in English: “a,” “an,” and “the,” and discuss their usage and nuances.

Definite Article: “The”

“The” is known as the definite article. It is used to specify a particular or unique item, person, or thing. When you use “the,” you are indicating that the listener or reader should be familiar with the noun you are referring to. Here are some key points to remember about “the”:

  • Specificity: “The” is used when the noun is already known or when there is only one of that item. For example, “The Eiffel Tower is in Paris” refers to a specific and well-known landmark.
  • Superlative: “The” is used with superlative adjectives, such as “the tallest,” “the smallest,” or “the most beautiful.”
  • Uniqueness: “The” is also used with unique items or things that are one of a kind. For instance, “The sun rises in the east.”
  • Before Definite Nouns: Use “the” before singular and plural nouns when you want to indicate a specific item or items. For example, “I saw the movie last night.”

Indefinite Articles: “A” and “An”

“A” and “an” are known as indefinite articles. They are used to refer to non-specific, generic, or one of many items. The choice between “a” and “an” depends on the initial sound of the following word. Here’s how to use these articles:

  • “A”: Use “a” before words that begin with a consonant sound. For example, “I have a car” or “She’s wearing a dress.”
  • “An”: Use “an” before words that begin with a vowel sound. For instance, “He’s an actor” or “She’s an honest person.”
  • Non-Specificity: Both “a” and “an” are used to introduce a non-specific noun. They indicate that the item you are referring to is not unique, and there could be many similar items.
  • Countable Nouns: “A” and “an” are used with countable nouns, which means you can count the items you are talking about.

Omission of Articles

In some cases, articles are not used. Here are a few instances when you should omit articles:

  • Plural and Uncountable Nouns: Articles are not used with plural nouns or uncountable nouns when talking about general or non-specific ideas. For example, “Cats are cute” or “I like music.”
  • Names: Names of people, places, and companies typically do not require articles. For example, “John is my friend,” “Paris is beautiful,” and “Apple makes smartphones.”
  • Meals and Times: Articles are omitted when discussing meals or times of the day in a general sense, such as “She eats breakfast in the morning.”
  • Occupations: In some cases, you can omit articles before occupations when referring to them in a general sense. For example, “She is a teacher,” but “She is teacher of the year.”

Understanding the use of articles in English grammar is essential for clear and effective communication. “The” points to something specific, while “a” and “an” introduce non-specific nouns. By mastering the usage of these articles, you can enhance the precision and clarity of your English writing and conversation. Practice and exposure to the language will help you become more proficient in using articles correctly.

Let’s have a look at a video explaining how to use the articles in English Grammar.

What will you learn in this video? 

1️⃣ What are Articles in English?

2️⃣ How to use the definite article “The” 

3️⃣ When to use “A” and “An” 

4️⃣ Situations where articles are not needed 

5️⃣ Plenty of real-life examples to ensure you get it



Remember, knowing the articles well can change your English from stuttering to fluent. So, make sure to watch the video, take notes, and practice as much as you can because “Practice makes perfect!” 🌟

But don’t stop here! EngVarta provides a unique platform for practicing your English language skills with live tutors. With EngVarta, you can practice your pronunciation, grammar, and conversation skills with expert tutors from around the world. 

So, start practicing on EngVarta today and take your English skills to the next level. Download the app for one on one spoken English practice with live English experts:

Active and Passive Voice in English Grammar


Active and Passive Voice in English Grammar
Active and Passive Voice in English Grammar

Hello, grammar enthusiasts and language learners! 

In today’s enlightening blog, we’re unraveling the mysteries of “Active and Passive Voice in English Grammar.” 

Have you ever wondered why we use active and passive voice in sentences? What’s the difference, and when should you use each one? We’re here to demystify this essential grammatical concept. 

Active and passive voice are two essential components of English grammar that determine how sentences are structured. These voices impact the clarity and focus of your writing, making it essential to grasp their distinctions. In this article, we will explore the differences between active and passive voice, understand when to use each, and examine their impact on communication.

Active Voice

Active voice is the most common and straightforward way to construct a sentence in English. In an active voice sentence, the subject of the sentence performs the action, and the object receives the action. This results in clear and direct communication. For example:

  • The cat (subject) chased (verb) the mouse (object).

In this sentence, it is clear that the cat is the one doing the chasing.

Passive Voice

Passive voice, on the other hand, shifts the focus from the doer of the action to the receiver. In passive voice sentences, the object of the action becomes the subject of the sentence. The agent (the one performing the action) may or may not be mentioned. For example:

  • The mouse (subject) was chased (verb) by the cat.

In this passive voice sentence, the focus is on the mouse and the action it endured, but the cat, the agent of the action, is not explicitly mentioned. This is a key characteristic of passive voice.

When to Use Active Voice

  • Clarity: Active voice is generally preferred when clarity is crucial. It leaves no room for ambiguity, making it easier for the reader to understand who is performing the action.
  • Directness: Active voice is more direct and concise, which is often desirable in both written and spoken communication.
  • Emphasis: Active voice allows you to emphasize the doer of the action. If you want to highlight the subject, active voice is the way to go.

When to Use Passive Voice

  • Focus on the Receiver: Passive voice is used when the focus needs to be on the receiver of the action rather than the doer. This can be helpful when the doer is unknown or less important.
  • Formal Writing: In formal writing, such as scientific reports or academic papers, passive voice is often used to maintain objectivity.
  • Variety and Style: Using passive voice strategically can add variety to your writing and alter the flow, creating a unique style.


Let’s have a look at a video where we have provided clear explanations, practical examples, and insights into when and why you should use Active and passive voice. Our goal is to make grammar learning not just informative but also empowering. By the end of this video, you’ll have a solid grasp of active and passive voice, enabling you to express yourself with precision and style.



Both active and passive voices have their place in the English language, and choosing the right one depends on your communication goals. Active voice is straightforward, clear, and direct, making it suitable for most situations. Passive voice, on the other hand, offers versatility, allowing you to control the focus of your sentence and convey information differently. By understanding when and how to use each, you can enhance the effectiveness of your writing and communication.


At EngVarta, we believe that understanding grammar is the key to effective communication, one voice at a time! Thank you for being a part of our language-loving community! But don’t stop here! Engvarta provides a unique platform for practicing your English language skills with live tutors. With Engvarta, you can practice your pronunciation, grammar, and conversation skills with expert tutors from around the world. So, start practicing on Engvarta today and take your English skills to the next level. Download the app for one on one spoken English practice with live English experts:


We’re here for you if you are passionate about speaking English. Engvarta app is an English learning app that connects you with live English Experts to help you with daily English practice. 

Subscribe to our YouTube channel for more videos about improving your communication skills –

How to Improve Your Business English: A Comprehensive Guide


how to improve your business english
how to improve your business english

Effective communication is essential in the business world, and one of the most widely spoken languages for international business communication is English. Whether you are a business professional, an entrepreneur, or a student looking to enhance your career prospects, improving your Business English is a valuable investment. In this article, we will explore various strategies to help you enhance your English language skills for professional success. 

Build a Strong Vocabulary:

  • Enhancing your vocabulary is crucial for effective communication in any language, including English.
  • Read books, articles, and business publications to expose yourself to a wide range of words and phrases.
  • Use vocabulary-building apps and flashcards to learn and retain new words.


EngVarta has its own vocabulary series where they have unlimited words daily delivered to your mail account. You get three words along with their meaning, their pronunciation, and sentences. It’s quite a handy way. You don’t have to look for words. It’s all there every morning delivered. Learn more about EngVarta Video Vocabulary Series.

Grammar and Writing Skills:

  • Proper grammar and writing skills are essential for creating clear and concise business documents.
  • Consider taking an English grammar course or using grammar-checking tools.
  • Practice writing business emails, reports, and proposals.

Listening Skills:

  • Being a good listener is as important as being a good speaker.
  • Watch English-language news, documentaries, and business-related videos to improve your listening comprehension.
  • Engage with English-speaking podcasts and audiobooks.

Speaking Practice:

    • Speaking English regularly is key to improving your fluency.
    • Engage in conversations with colleagues or friends who are fluent in English.
    • Use language exchange platforms or join English-speaking clubs in your community.
    • EngVarta app offers you a perfect environment to talk in English confidently. If you do not have an English-speaking environment around you, you can always take some help from the EngVarta app. The app will connect you with live English Experts who will help you polish your English speaking skills.

Business-specific Vocabulary:

    • Learn industry-specific terminology to communicate effectively in your field.
    • Attend workshops, webinars, and conferences related to your industry.
    • Engage in discussions and networking events with professionals from your field.

Online Language Learning Platforms:

      • Utilize online resources like EngVarta, Duolingo, Rosetta Stone, or Babbel to enhance your language skills.
      • These platforms offer structured courses and exercises tailored to various proficiency levels.

Set Realistic Goals:

      • Establish achievable language-learning goals to track your progress.
      • Monitor your improvement in speaking, listening, and writing skills.
      • Celebrate your achievements along the way to stay motivated.

Consistency is Key:

      • Regular practice is essential for language development.
      • Dedicate a specific amount of time each day or week to language learning.
      • Incorporate English into your daily routine whenever possible.

Seek Feedback:

    • Encourage colleagues, mentors, or language partners to provide feedback on your language skills.
    • Constructive criticism helps you identify areas for improvement.


Conclusion: Improving your Business English is a valuable investment in your professional growth. With dedication, consistent practice, and the help of resources like English learning apps, you can enhance your language skills and confidently navigate the global business landscape. 

Using an English learning app like EngVarta to improve your English offers many benefits, including convenience and flexibility, personalized learning, interactive and engaging materials, cost-effectiveness, access to a wide range of learning materials, immediate feedback and correction, and gamification. Whether you are a beginner or want to become a proficient English speaker, there are many English learning apps available online where you can practice speaking in English anytime, anywhere.

Remember that language learning is a journey, and the more effort you put into it, the more proficient you will become. So, start today, and watch your career opportunities expand as your English language proficiency grows.

5 Best Apps to Improve English Speaking Skills in 2023


5 Best Apps to Improve English Speaking Skills
5 Best Apps to Improve English Speaking Skills


In today’s interconnected world, English has become the global language of communication. Whether you’re a student, a professional, or an aspiring global citizen, enhancing your English speaking skills is crucial for success. Thankfully, with the advancements in technology, there are numerous apps available to help you improve your English fluency. In this article, we will explore the five best apps to enhance your English speaking skills in 2023.

EngVarta is a revolutionary language learning app designed specifically to improve English speaking skills. It provides an immersive learning experience by connecting users with live English experts. Through one-on-one conversations, users can practice speaking English on a daily basis, gaining confidence and fluency. EngVarta’s unique approach enables users to discuss a wide range of topics, receive instant feedback, and learn correct pronunciation and grammar. With its personalized lessons and flexible scheduling, EngVarta empowers learners to overcome their inhibitions and become proficient English speakers.

  • Duolingo: 

Duolingo is a popular language learning app that offers comprehensive English courses for speakers of various proficiency levels. The app utilizes gamification techniques, making learning English a fun and interactive experience. It provides a structured curriculum, including grammar, vocabulary, listening, and speaking exercises. Duolingo’s bite-sized lessons, engaging challenges, and progress tracking features keep learners motivated and help them build a strong foundation in English.

  • Rosetta Stone: 

Rosetta Stone is a renowned language learning platform that offers an immersive language learning experience. With its interactive lessons, Rosetta Stone focuses on developing conversational skills through speech recognition technology. The app provides a diverse range of English-speaking exercises, including conversations, pronunciation drills, and vocabulary building. Rosetta Stone’s adaptive learning approach tailors the lessons to individual learners’ needs, ensuring efficient and personalized progress.

  • HelloTalk: 

HelloTalk is a language exchange app that connects English learners with native speakers worldwide. Through text, voice, and video chat features, users can engage in real-time conversations and practice their English speaking skills. HelloTalk’s language partner system allows learners to find language exchange partners who share similar interests. This app promotes cultural exchange while providing a supportive environment for learners to practice speaking English with native speakers.

  • FluentU: 

FluentU is an innovative language learning app that utilizes authentic English videos to improve language skills. It offers a vast collection of real-world videos, such as movie trailers, news clips, and TED talks, with interactive subtitles and language annotations. FluentU combines engaging content with interactive exercises to enhance listening, speaking, and comprehension skills. Learners can imitate native speakers, practice pronunciation, and reinforce vocabulary in context, making their English learning experience dynamic and effective.


In today’s digital age, language learning apps have revolutionized the way we improve our English speaking skills. Whether you choose EngVarta for personalized one-on-one conversations, Duolingo for gamified learning, Rosetta Stone for an immersive experience, HelloTalk for language exchange, or FluentU for authentic content, these apps provide a variety of approaches to suit different learning styles. So, make the most of these five best apps to improve your English speaking skills in 2023 and unlock new opportunities in both personal and professional spheres. Remember, consistent practice and dedication are the keys to achieving fluency in English. Happy learning!

Benefits of using an English Learning Apps to Improve your English


Benefits of using an English Learning App
Benefits of using an English Learning App

English is a vital language in today’s globalized world. It is the most widely spoken language and is considered the lingua franca of international business and tourism. This is why many people are now motivated to learn or improve their English skills. There are many ways to improve one’s English, including taking traditional classes, hiring a tutor, or using an English learning app. In this article, we will explore the benefits of using an English learning app to improve your English.

  • Convenience and Flexibility

One of the main advantages of using an English learning app is the convenience and flexibility it offers. With an English learning app, you can study at any time and place that is convenient for you, as long as you have an internet connection. You can study in short bursts during your commute, during lunch breaks, or in the comfort of your own home. This allows you to fit your English studies into your busy schedule, making it easier to stick to your learning plan.

  • Personalized Learning

English learning apps usually use algorithms to adapt to the individual learner’s pace, needs, and interests. This means that the English learning app will create a personalized learning plan for you based on your progress, strengths, and weaknesses. This will allow you to focus on the areas that need improvement, and make the most of your time and effort. Additionally, the English learning app will keep track of your progress and adjust your learning plan accordingly, ensuring that you are making steady progress towards your goal.

  • Interactive and Engaging

English learning apps are designed to be interactive and engaging, using a variety of learning tools such as videos, games, quizzes, and real-life situations to keep you motivated. This makes learning English fun and enjoyable, rather than a chore. By engaging with the content in an interactive way, you are more likely to remember the information and make lasting improvements to your English skills.

  • Cost-Effective

Compared to traditional language classes, English learning apps are a much more cost-effective option. Many apps offer a free basic version, while others have a low monthly subscription fee. This makes it easier for people on a budget to access high-quality English language education. Additionally, you do not need to worry about traveling expenses or time off from work to attend classes, making English learning more accessible for everyone.

  • Access to a Wide Range of Learning Materials

English learning apps offer access to a vast library of learning materials, including videos, audio recordings, articles, and more. This allows you to choose the type of material that suits your learning style best and to access the materials anytime and anywhere. This variety of materials ensures that you are exposed to different styles of English, allowing you to improve your overall language skills.

  • Immediate Feedback and Correction

English learning apps provide immediate feedback and correction, allowing you to quickly identify and correct mistakes. This is particularly useful for practicing speaking and writing skills. The apps also provide tips and suggestions to help you improve, so you can make steady progress towards your goals.

  • Gamification

Many English learning apps use gamification to keep learners engaged and motivated. This means that learning English is turned into a game, with points, rewards, and progress tracking. This makes learning English more fun and enjoyable, and helps to keep learners motivated and engaged in their studies.

In conclusion, using an English learning app to improve your English offers many benefits, including convenience and flexibility, personalized learning, interactive and engaging materials, cost-effectiveness, access to a wide range of learning materials, immediate feedback and correction, and gamification. Whether you are a beginner or want to become a proficient English speaker, there are many English learning apps available online where you can practice speaking in English anytime, anywhere.


50 interesting phrasal verbs for daily English conversation

50 phrasal verbs for daily English conversation
50 phrasal verbs for daily English conversation


Phrasal verbs are very important in daily English conversation. 

They can help you communicate more effectively and accurately. Here are 50 interesting phrasal verbs that you can use in your daily life.


  • Look After

to take care of someone or something and make certain that they have everything they need

He looked after my pets when I was away. 


  • Get On With

 to give your time to something and make progress with it

We can get with the celebration once we finish the work. 


  • Put Up With

 to accept someone or something unpleasant in a patient way

Nobody can put up with bad behavior for a long time. 


  • Come Up With

 to think of something such as an idea or a plan

My friends really come up with the best traveling plans. 


  • Keep In With

to stay friendly with someone, especially someone who can help you

You should keep in with her friend. They are really helpful. 


  • Pay For

To give money in order to buy something

Let me pay for the dinner. 


  • Take Over 

to begin to do something that someone else was doing

Can you take over the cooking while I walk the dog?


  • Get Away From

 to stop having a particular idea or belief that is oldfashioned or not helpful

We want to get away from this idea that women are meant for cooking. 


  • Get Back To

 to phone, write, or speak to someone at a later time because you were busy or could not answer their question earlier.

I will get back to you once I finish my work. 


  • Put Off 

to delay doing something, especially because you do not want to do it

I was trying to put off the moment when I would have to leave.


  • Give Up On

 to stop hoping that someone will improve and stop trying to help or change them

Most of the teachers gave up on her years ago.


  • Turn Down.

to not accept an offer or request

How could you turn down such a fantastic job?


  • Back Out 

to decide not to do something you agreed to do

I promised to help and I’m not backing out now.


  • Come across 

to meet someone, or to find something by chance

I came across a word I’d never seen before.


  • Dab off

to remove something from a surface by gently touching it several times with something such as a piece of cloth.

He put his handkerchief to his face and dabbed off a tear.


  • Ease off 

if something unpleasant or annoying eases off, it becomes less unpleasant or annoying

If the rain eases off overnight, we’ll leave in the morning.


  • Face down 

with the front or face towards the ground

He was lying face down in the water.


  • Dabble in 

to be involved in an activity for a short time in a way that is not very serious

When he was younger he dabbled in astrology.


  1. Comes down to 

to be the most important aspect of a situation or problem

In the end, it all comes down to who wants the job the most.


  • Triffle with. 

 to deal with something in a way that shows you do not have a serious attitude towards it

Stop trifling with her feelings! 


  • Call for 

to say publicly that something must happen.

Several of the newspapers were calling for his resignation.


  • Boils down to 

to be the main reason for something or the most basic part of something

It’s difficult to choose which appliance to buy, but in the end it usually boils down to cost.


  • Single out 

to choose one person from a group for special attention

Katie was often singled out for punishment.


  1. Send off 

to post something to someone

I must get the parcel sent off tomorrow.


  • Narrow down 

to reduce the number of possibilities or choices

We’re working to narrow down the list of possible suspects.


  • Speak of 

 to seem to prove that something exists or is true

Her extensive library spoke of her love of reading.


  • Bump into 

to meet someone unexpectedly

I bumped into your mother at the supermarket.


  • Blow up at 

to suddenly become angry and shout at someone

She just blew up at me.


  • Cut back 

to reduce the amount of something, especially money that you spend

It’s time we cut back a little.


  • Fall out 

to stop being friendly with someone because you have had a disagreement with them

Have you two fallen out?


  • Get around 

to go or travel to different places

At the age of 85 Milly still gets around quite well.


  • Hang in 

Stay positive 

Hang in there! I’m sure you will find a job soon.


  • Take after 

 to look or behave like an older relative

In looks she takes after her father.


  •  Reflect on 

to give people a particular opinion of someone or something

We hope her success will reflect well on the school.


  • Juice up 

to improve something by making it more interesting, attractive, or powerful

Certain scenes were juiced up for commercial purposes.


  •  Wear off 

if something such as a pain, an emotion, or a feeling wears off, it gradually disappears

The numbness in his shoulder was starting to wear off.


  • Whip up 

to encourage strong emotions or behavior in people

Newspaper articles have whipped up fears of the new tax policies.


  • Ease off 

if something unpleasant or annoying eases off, it becomes less unpleasant or annoying

If the rain eases off overnight, we’ll leave in the morning.


  • End in 

to have something as a final result

His attempt to persuade the boy ended in failure.


  • Map out 

to plan in detail how something will happen

Her own future had been mapped out for her by her parents.


  • Toss around 

to discuss something such as an idea, often in an informal way

We tossed some thoughts around for a while.


  • Keep off 

to not touch something, or to prevent something from touching something

Keep the flies off the food.


  • Knock off 

to reduce a price or an amount

Kelly knocked two seconds off her previous time.


  • Hand down 

to give knowledge or skill to someone who is younger than you and will live after you have died

These skills have been handed down from generation to generation.


  • Keep away 

to avoid someone or something, or to make someone else do this

I’ve told him to keep away, but he won’t listen.


  • Own up 

to admit that you have done something bad or embarrassing

Dan could have made this whole thing go away simply by owning up.


  • Major in 

to have or do a lot of something; to focus on a particular thing.

When someone asked me how my day went, I majored in the things that went wrong rather than the good things.


  • Make off 

to leave quickly, especially after doing something wrong

The kids made off when they heard us coming.


  • Read into 

to find an extra meaning in someone’s words or actions that is not obvious or does not exist

I think you’re reading too much into a casual remark. 


  • Ringback 

to phone someone again.

I’ll ring back later.


Best English Learning Apps to Practice Speaking in English


Best English Learning Apps to Practice Speaking in English
Best English Learning Apps to Practice Speaking in English

Learning a language gets easier when you find your practice partner. But what if you don’t get your practice partner to improve the fluency of the language? And what if I tell you that you can even get practice partners over your phone? 

Yes, you surely can. 

If you are a beginner or just a basic English learner and want to improve your Spoken English then this article is going to help you a lot with your practice. 

Here are a few apps that are best for your English practice: 

  • Duolingo- 

When it comes to learning a new language, may it be the English language or any other, Duolingo is the best to recommend and start the practice. Indeed Duolingo is one the best language learning app even in terms of technology. The app is designed for all types of learners right from the basic to advanced. The app has numerous sets of tasks to complete along with the awarded coins and ranks. The app’s algorithm is set such that it will keep on reminding you to complete a level to learn the language. And it is probably the best part that keeps on reminding you to complete your goal. It gives you tasks or levels related to grammar, and vocabulary and also gives you spoken English questions to improve your fluency and accent.  

  • English conversation or speaking English

This app has around 200 English conversations and videos to practice. It has numerous quizzes to test users’ understanding and increase their language commands. Users on this app get to practice their spoken English. The app has various sessions for listening, practicing, and speaking. The listening sessions are majorly designed to improve the listening skills of the users. And the best part about the app is that it tracks the user’s progress and gives proper feedback to them in order to improve the language. 

  • Hellotalk 

Hellotalk is a very high-rated English learning app. The users on this app can even post audio messages or clips and get relevant feedback on the same from the native speakers. This app inbuilt grammar predictions function which makes the users more confident while chatting. This app is also one of the most recommended English learning apps. 

If you know English well but are not a fluent English speaker then this is the perfect app for you to practice your spoken English. EngVarta with more than a million downloads and a rating of 4.3 is coming up like a rising star among the other online English learning apps. EngVarta is an English learning app that connects learners with live English experts who work very hard to improve their fluency and accent. EngVarta gives a one on one live English classes over phone calls and is also planning to launch video call features for the users. Isn’t it amazing? You will get your practice partner on your phone itself. Try EngVarta for your practice and mark an excellent improvement in the language. 

  • Cake

Yes, you read that right !! As the name suggests, learning English is like a piece of cake through this app. You will get numerous videos and sessions to complete and improve your English accent. The users also get to record their voices and practice their English Speaking. The app will also provide the users with many informative videos to learn from. 


  • Knudge me

Knudge me is a powerful app to practice English speaking. Based on the scientific algorithm. Users through this app can find a lot of flashcards and quizzes for better learning of their language. It is designed by the algorithm that suggests the users revise the word and gives such recommendations throughout the sessions. 

Above all the apps mentioned here are the English practice apps that can boost your fluency and can mark excellent growth in the same. Hope you will be soon a fluent English speaker. Just take a step towards your goal of learning through any of these apps and master the app. 

Wish you all a very happy learning.