Top 10 Resources for Learning English Online

Top 10 Resources for Learning English Online

Learning English online has never been easier, thanks to the plethora of resources available at our fingertips. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to polish your skills, there’s something for everyone. Here are the top 10 online resources to help you master the English language from the comfort of your home.

1. Duolingo

Duolingo is a popular app known for its gamified approach to language learning. It offers bite-sized lessons that are perfect for daily practice. The app covers reading, writing, listening, and speaking, making it a comprehensive tool for beginners and intermediate learners who are learning English online.


  • Interactive exercises
  • Immediate feedback
  • Progress tracking

2. BBC Learning English

BBC Learning English provides a wealth of free resources, including videos, audio, and written lessons. It covers grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation, along with news stories to improve listening skills. It’s an excellent resource for those learning English online.


  • Daily updates
  • Real-life language use
  • Engaging content

3. EngVarta

EngVarta stands out as an exceptional resource for mastering English through real-time practice sessions with live language experts. It’s perfect for learners who want to improve their speaking skills and gain confidence in conversations. EngVarta is a premier choice for those focused on learning English online.


  • One-on-one sessions: Personalized interactions with language experts.
  • Expert feedback: Receive immediate and constructive feedback on your speaking.
  • Flexible scheduling: Choose session times that fit your schedule.
  • Interactive learning: Engage in conversations on various topics to enhance fluency.

EngVarta’s approach is tailored to individual needs, making it an ideal choice for anyone looking to boost their English speaking skills quickly and effectively while learning English online.

Website: EngVarta
App Link: EngVarta App 
YouTube Channel: EngVarta

4. Coursera

Coursera offers online courses from top universities and institutions. Their English learning courses range from beginner to advanced levels, covering academic English, business English, and general communication skills. Coursera is a solid choice for structured and comprehensive learning English online.


  • University-level courses
  • Certificates of completion
  • Flexible learning schedule

5. Grammarly

Grammarly is an excellent tool for improving your writing skills. It checks your grammar, punctuation, and style in real-time, providing suggestions to enhance your writing quality. It’s particularly useful for learners focusing on learning English online and improving their written communication.


  • Real-time writing feedback
  • Vocabulary enhancement
  • Detailed explanations

6. TED Talks

TED Talks are a great resource for learning English online while being inspired by experts in various fields. The talks cover a wide range of topics and come with subtitles and interactive transcripts. TED Talks are ideal for those learning English online through engaging and thought-provoking content.


  • Engaging content
  • Subtitles in multiple languages
  • Interactive transcripts

7. Memrise

Memrise uses spaced repetition and mnemonic techniques to help you remember new vocabulary. It’s a fun and effective way to expand your English vocabulary and improve your language retention. Memrise is a popular choice for learners who are learning English online.


  • Spaced repetition system
  • Mnemonic aids
  • User-generated content

8. English Central

English Central offers video lessons with interactive exercises. It covers a variety of topics, from everyday conversation to business English, and provides personalized feedback on your pronunciation and usage. English Central is a comprehensive platform for learning English online.


  • Video-based learning
  • Interactive exercises
  • Pronunciation feedback

9. Quizlet

Quizlet allows you to create and study flashcards on any topic, including English vocabulary and grammar. It’s a versatile tool that’s perfect for reinforcing what you’ve learned. Quizlet is highly effective for learners focused on learning English online.


  • Customizable flashcards
  • Study games
  • Progress tracking

10. ESL Pod

ESL Pod offers audio lessons designed for English learners. Each podcast episode covers a specific topic, providing vocabulary, explanations, and cultural insights to enhance your understanding of the language. ESL Pod is a convenient resource for those learning English online through audio content.


  • Topic-specific podcasts
  • Detailed explanations
  • Cultural insights


These top 10 resources provide a variety of methods and tools to help you learn English online. While all these resources offer unique benefits, EngVarta’s personalized approach with live practice sessions makes it a standout choice for improving your English speaking skills. Start exploring these resources today and take your English skills to the next level! Happy learning English online!

Top 10 Ways to Improve Your English – Improve your English Speaking skills and learn to Speak like a native.


Top 10 ways to improve your english
Top 10 ways to improve your English

Improve your English Speaking skills and learn to Speak like a native.

Do you feel extremely nervous or overwhelmed by the thought of improving your English?

This is because when you think about improving your spoken English, you start having thoughts like – Learning 20 words each day, memorizing complicated grammar rules, or joining English classes. It is just like a ‘mountain to climb.’ 

But that’s not true at all! 

There are many other ways that you can follow to improve your English sitting at home without joining any English classes. 

In this blog, you’ll get 10 ways to improve your spoken English competency and help you have an insightful conversation with anyone in English. 

  • Set monthly or weekly goals to improve your English. 

If you have a goal in mind, it makes it easier to stay motivated. Set monthly or weekly goals that are specific and measurable, then break them down into smaller tasks. These smaller tasks will help you reach your larger goal. 

This is why, when you log in to the EngVarta app, the first step is selecting a goal. Whether you want to improve your English for IELTS, or for cracking an interview.

For example, if your goal is to read more books in English, set a target number of pages you want to read each day and stick with it until you reach your goal. You can also create flashcards with new vocabulary words and practice speaking with English speakers so that you have opportunities to use them in real-life situations.

  • Set realistic deadlines for completing tasks.

It’s easy to get overwhelmed by all the things you want to do and never quite get around to doing anything.

 Setting deadlines for completing tasks is one way to stay organized and motivated. If you know exactly when you’re going to do something, it makes the task seem less intimidating so you’ll feel more inclined to get started right away. 

For example, setting a timer for speaking English for 15 minutes every day. 

  • Practice Elaborative Encoding to learn vocabulary.  

Elaborative encoding is a memory technique where you connect what you are trying to remember and what you already know. 

For example, if you want to learn the word “orange,” you might connect it with something like an orange tree or an orange fruit salad because these images will help you recall the word better later on.

When people use elaborative encoding techniques, they tend to remember more than those who don’t use them at all or use less effective techniques such as rote memorization. 

  • Find YOUR way of improving your English.

The first thing you need to do is figure out what kind of learner you are. Do you learn better by hearing something or seeing it written down? Do you prefer reading or writing? Are there certain things you like to do that help you learn?

Once you know your own learning style and preferences, it will be easier for you to decide how to improve your English.

  1. Have an accountability language partner.  

If you want to improve your English, it’s essential to have a language partner. 

A language partner is someone who speaks the language you’re learning and helps you with your pronunciation and grammar.

All you need to do is make sure that both people are committed to improving their English and that you have similar goals for what you want to achieve by studying together. Then, meet up regularly and study together online or face-to-face!

  • Speak with different English speakers every day

When students ask us why they get connected with different Experts at EngVarta, this the reason we tell them. When you just speak to one person daily, you limit your oral competence. One of the best ways to improve your spoken English is to talk to different English speakers every day. In real-life situations, you don’t talk to one person, but you meet different people and all have different nuances of the language. This is the reason when you practice with different Experts, you get more exposure to the language. You get constructive feedback from all of them. 

  • Build English-speaking confidence 

As a fluent speaker, I bet you probably think that English speakers are very confident, they never run out of words or they know a lot of vocabulary. 

But even the most confident speakers can fall prey to self-doubt in new situations. The good news is, that confidence is a skill that can be learned—and it’s not nearly as hard as you might think.

The first step is to know your strengths. If there are activities where you always feel comfortable speaking English or you’re happy with your results, start with those situations when practicing your speaking skills

  • Practice speaking English as much as you can. 

This may seem like a no-brainer, but it bears repeating: the best way to improve your English is to practice using it!

I know, I know. You hate talking in English because you’re afraid of making mistakes, or you think your accent is too thick, or you don’t have anyone to practice with—this is all perfectly normal. But the more you avoid speaking in English, the harder it will be to improve your English. So stop avoiding it! Just start practicing whenever and wherever you can. 

  • Think in English 

One way to improve your English is to start thinking in English. Thinking in a language is the same as speaking it, so if you can get into the habit of thinking in English, you’ll find that your vocabulary and sentence structure will improve.

Your mind will have more opportunity to naturally absorb the structure and flow of the language. You won’t have to expend mental energy on translating from your mother tongue into the target language, which will free up brainpower to focus on the matter at hand.

  • Read as much as possible 

 The best way to improve your vocabulary is by reading as much as possible and by writing down new words. 

It improves your understanding of words and the structure of sentences. If you’re learning a new language, reading is an excellent way to get in touch with its nuances as well as the culture of the people who speak that language. 

Takeaway : 

One of the mandatory things you need to do to improve your English is pushing yourself out of your comfort zone. Start doing things that you fear. Take charge of your language skills and grab as many opportunities as you can. 

Lastly, if you are looking for someone to help you improve your English or wish to practice English daily for 15-60 minutes, join the Engvarta app. EngVarta is an English speaking practice app where you can practice speaking in English daily without any hesitation.

Write down what you think about the article.

Thanks for reading! 

The Fastest Way to improve English – Follow these 3 steps to learn English at home


3 steps to learn english at home
3 steps to learn english at home

You can learn English way faster than you think.  

Please don’t panic; I’m not going to ask you to pack your bags and fly over to the United States.  

This is simple — the best way to learn English is right in front of your eyes.

There are many ways that you can learn English. You could attend classes at an English school, read books, use audio and video courses, or learn from a friend. But you want to improve your English quickly, and your friends have told you that the best way to do so is to watch English movies. 

But this is one of the most simple and direct ways of giving a process of learning and improving English. 

Analyze the problem

If you want to learn a language, you have to be able to speak it. That’s obvious. 

And yet, if you’re like most people, your main goal with English is probably not speaking it at all.

 You may want to be able to read books or watch movies in English, or maybe even write an email or document once in a while. But do you really want to speak in English?

 Do you want to be able to carry on conversations with people who aren’t aware that you’re not confident in that language? If so, why are you doing activities that involve no conversations? 

In my experience as an ESL instructor, there are two main reasons you are not able to speak or improve your English : 

1) You don’t have the right environment to start or practice English ; 

2) You are afraid of making mistakes when they speak. 

 If you want to learn English, the first thing you need to do is analyze your situation. 

If you already speak English, then you may want to analyze your level and see what kind of improvement you need. If you don’t speak English, then you need to analyze how much time and effort you are willing to put into learning it.

After analyzing your goals and level, analyze the language.

You may be surprised at what you find! 

For example, do you know there are different ways in which you can express the same thing? 

Let’s say you want to talk about time. 

The most common way of expressing time and space in English is using prepositions like “at,” “on,” “in” or “by.” 

But there are also other ways of speaking about these concepts. For example, there’s a difference between saying “I’m going to the airport” versus “I’m going to fly out.”

 Instead of saying, “I was at work yesterday,” you could say, “I went to work yesterday.

 Instead of saying, “I live in New York City,” you could say, “I reside in New York City.”

 As you can see, these subtle differences make it easier for native speakers to communicate with each other because they don’t have to rely on specific words or phrases every time they want to describe something. And you as an English learner, don’t have to stress about rules and speaking. You can choose from what’s making your life easier. 

Practice Consistently 

Learning a new language is a lot like learning a new sport. You need to practice, practice, practice!

The second step is to practice speaking English in an environment where you feel comfortable. You can use language learning apps or websites like Duolingo or Babbel. These sites are good at teaching the basics of English, but they are not as effective at helping you improve your fluency.

The best way to practice speaking English is by having real conversations with people who speak English.. If you live in a country where there is no environment then joining a practice session can be a great idea. 

The second way is to practice speaking English in an environment where you feel comfortable. 

For example, if you’re learning English, try to make friends with someone who speaks English and wants to improve their English skills. If that’s not possible for you, try watching movies in English with subtitles and then watch them again without subtitles. The more often you listen to the sounds of words and sentences without needing visual cues from subtitles, the easier it will become for you to understand spoken English and speak it yourself!


Integrate what you have learned 

When you’re learning a language, it’s easy to get bogged down in the details of grammar and pronunciation. But the real goal is to be able to use the language — to understand native speakers and speak with them fluently.

In order for this to happen, you must practice speaking. You don’t have to go out and find strangers who speak English; just find one or two friends or family members who are willing to help you practice (and who will correct your mistakes). It’s even better if they’re bilingual so that they can provide more detailed feedback about what you’re saying wrong.

Make sure that you’re using the new skills you’ve learned in real-world situations as much as possible. For example, if you’re trying to learn how to say “I’m hungry,” try saying it while at a restaurant or grocery store with someone else who knows English well enough to understand what you mean. Then see if they understand what you mean without having them explain it first! This will help make sure that your new words actually come out of your mouth when needed — something that’s often forgotten when practicing alone


I hope that this blog was able to provide you with some insights into how you learn English fast. With that, I wish you the best of luck in your studies!


If you wish to practice English daily with English Experts, download the EngVarta app now.

EngVarta is an English learning app where you can practice spoken English with the live English expert at the comfort of your home. 

Top 5 English Speaking Practice Apps in India – Best English Speaking Practice App 2022


Apps for learning English Speaking in India 2022
Apps for learning English Speaking in India 2022


Best English Speaking Practice Apps – Speaking in English may become essential at a stage where you want career growth. 

For obvious reasons, you cannot let English stop you from career growth. Because this is a skill that you can acquire at any stage of life. Only if you follow the right medium of learning. 

One way of learning and improving English is – Going to language learning classes. It follows the traditional method more where learners group together to improve and work on their English. 

And sometimes, for some of you, thinking about attending classrooms can be quite mind-numbing. So, if you are among ‘Some of them’, there’s good news for you. Technology has made it possible for you to substitute this traditional method of learning to app-based learning that requires –

  1. No traveling 
  2. No memorizing grammar rules
  3. No stress about learning a dictionary.

You can save your travel time and start practicing English ASAP just by sitting at the comfort of your home with the help of the best apps for learning speaking practice. And by this time, you must have guessed your portable English learning resource. 

Best English Speaking Apps in India have made it possible for you to learn and speak English or any of your desired languages by staying at home virtually or on calls. There are hundreds of best English speaking apps available on your mobile phone that can help you achieve your English speaking goal. But to make life easier, here you find the top 10 best English speaking apps in India that can help you practice English everyday.


EngVarta – Best English speaking practice app in India 


Engvarta is a best English speaking app in India that helps to connect with the live English Experts with learners. This English speaking app is a perfect solution for those who want to improve their English communication over phone calls. In this English speaking practice app, You talk about different topics every day and the experts help you to practice English daily by giving you feedback and correcting your mistakes. Apart from the English speaking practice, you can also take advantage of the free vocabulary series that can help you hone your vocabulary and speed up your process of becoming an advanced English speaker. There are several English lessons on grammar, advanced English phrases, and tips & tricks in this English speaking practice app to improve your English. So, all in all, it’s a complete package to help you improve your English communication in 2022.


Duolingo – Free English Speaking Practice App


Duolingo is also one of the most famous English Learning apps and English speaking practice apps available online. Besides English, there are other languages that you can learn from this English Speaking Practice app including Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Russian, Portuguese, Turkish, and many more. This English speaking practice app doesn’t look any less than an attention-grabbing game app designed for kids which makes it more enjoyable for English learners and proves that effective learning is not boring. And this fun-based learning helps in developing a habit for the learners to practice English. It is no longer a burden. There are mini-lessons, game-like features, fun challenges, and reminders for your practice. The English speaking practice app focuses on listening, reading, and speaking skills. 

Elsa speak – Online English learning and English Speaking practice app 


Elsa which stands for English Language Speech Assistant is an award-winning English speaking practice app that helps you speak English correctly and confidently. One of the biggest challenges for an English learner while speaking English is not having the right accent or pronunciation. But, with challenges comes determination. And using this English speaking practice app, learning to speak correct English is very easy!

This English speaking practice app lets the user practice English through fun games on pronunciation, word stress, rhythm, and intonation. 

This app also helps you to prepare for IELTS, TOEFL, TOEIC, or learning the essentials of English conversation or looking to practice English to advance your career. It is one of the best English speaking practice apps for English learners.

Cake : Lesson updates every day 


This incredible English speaking practice app is used by 90 million users around the world. This English speaking practice app helps you to learn English step by step with revisions and repetitions. The cake app provides you with opportunities to converse with native English speakers at no cost. To practice your spoken English, you can record your voice using a tool in this English speaking practice app, and with its AI speech recognition, it will tell you where you stand. Besides this, there is access to videos that give you an idea of real-life English used in vlogs, tv shows, and movies that help you get familiar with accent and pronunciation. You get a sense of accomplishment after you achieve your daily goals by practicing 10 minutes a day. 

Hello English – Learn English

Hello English
Hello English

At Hello English, you can attain English fluency through other languages like  Hindi, Indonesian, Thai, Arabic, Malay, Urdu, Malay, Bangladeshi Bengali, Bengali, Punjabi, Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Marathi, Gujarati, Oriya, Assamese, Malayalam, Chinese, Portuguese, Turkish and Nepali. It is one of the most helpful English Speaking Practice apps in India. 

This English speaking practice app has 475 lessons, offline support, a 10,000-word dictionary, and teachers to help you. Apart from this, there are interactive lessons with conversational English, games on reading, translation, spelling, vocabulary, and grammar. You also have a scope of discussing your doubts with the teachers. 

Top English Speaking Practice Apps for Android in 2022 

  • ENGVARTA – Best English Learning app and English Practice Platform
  • DUOLINGO – Fun English learning and English speaking practice app for learning languages
  • HELLO TALK – Get English Speaking Partners
  • GRAMMARLY – English speaking practice app For Writing English
  • FLUENT U – Media Based English Speaking practice App
  • Memrise – Language learning and English speaking app
  • Cambly for learning English
  • ECL English learning app
  • Babbel – App for English speaking practice
  • Enguru English learning app

Top English Speaking Practice Apps for iOS / iPhone in 2022 

  • ENGVARTA – Best English Learning app and English speaking Practice Platform
  • Mondly – English speaking practice app for android and iOS
  • Go Talk – English speaking practice app for learning English
  • FluentU – This English speaking practice app uses videos to help you learn English
  • Duolingo – Most popular English speaking practice app for iPhone and iPad
  • Memrise – English speaking practice app that helps you learn multiple languages
  • Tandem – Best English speaking practice app for iPhone and iPad
  • Google Translate – English speaking practice app to improve overall English
  • Babbel – English learning and English speaking practice app
  • Speak English App

How to improve English communication and Poor Public Speaking Skills?

How to improve English communication and Poor Public Speaking Skills
How to improve English communication and Poor Public Speaking Skills
  • There are many people who have a good grip on the language but hesitate in speaking. Ask them to write something and you will be stunned to see how well they know the language. But then, what’s the problem in speaking?

    You would be surprised to know that the majority of people feel nervous while talking to other people, especially in English.

If you are one of them, here are some efficient and easy tips to improve your communication skills and confidence:

‣Listen to what the person is saying

While having a conversation with someone, you must listen to them. Listen to each and every word they are saying.

Listening to each other is the basis of a conversation. If you could not understand anything, ask them to repeat it. Once you know what they are saying, you can formulate your response. If you don’t know what the other person is saying, you cannot reply anyway.

‣Who are you having conversations with?

Who you are talking to is an important point to keep into consideration while having a conversation. If you are communicating with your friends, you can use informal language. You can be easy and afford to make mistakes.

But, if you are conversing in a formal setting, you must be alert while talking. Maintain your poise, keep your confidence high, take a deep breath and carry out the conversation.

If you are in a placement interview, you must use Business English. For those, who do not know what business English is, it is formal English that is used in the corporate world. It incorporates the use of business and commerce related terms and phrases. Professional emails and faxes are written in business English.

To be fluent in business English, you need to learn business vocabulary. There are many online tutorials that help in polishing business English. You can give mock interviews to learn business vocabulary and phrases and simultaneously, prepare for the interview.

‣Body language matters

While talking to someone, you must pay attention to your body language. Don’t come across as uncomfortable while speaking. Keep eye contact and speak with full confidence.

‣Be brief

While talking to someone, try to impart more by saying less. Be brief but clear. If you keep on exaggerating things, you may end up saying a lot without making any sense. This will further tarnish your confidence.

Be precise and confident.

‣Think before you speak

Always take a pause before speaking. Think about what you are saying to spare yourself the embarrassment.

How to improve public speaking?

Public speaking demands confidence and a good grip on English. If you keep the above-mentioned tips in mind while speaking, you can easily speak in front of the public.

Here are more ways to improve public speaking skills:

‣Prepare and practice

It is not a big deal to get nervous in front of the crowd. But, if you hit the stage preceded by days of preparation and practice, you won’t get nervous.

Prepare yourself months ahead. Speaking in front of the mirror is the best way to practice. By watching yourself speaking, you come face to face with your mistakes.

‣Who is the audience

If you know who your audience is, you can connect with them. Learn about your listeners. This will help you in speaking fluently in front of them.

‣Don’t be someone else

If you try to be someone else on the stage, it will definitely make you nervous. Be yourself and talk swiftly.

‣Learn to receive the feedback

You don’t need to ask for feedback. Watch the expression of your audience and you would know if they are happy or unhappy.

After receiving the feedbacks, work on your weak points.

These are the easy ways to improve your public speaking skills. If you follow these tips, gradually your fear of speaking in public will vanish and you would be able to speak with full confidence.


For Regular English Practice with Expert: Download EngVarta Mobile App



Want to Improve your English? Practice English With Experts

English learning app
English learning app

If I ask you on the very first day of your fitness training to do 30 push-ups and you enthusiastically say ……

Okay! Let’s do it and you started doing.

Great! I am your coach here and I am counting…. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,… & so on…
(After 12 push-ups)

Oh, God! It’s too painful…..
You feel like giving up after 12 push-ups and there you say: I can’t do anymore!
Oh No! What happened to you after 12 pushups? Don’t you have enough strength?


Now if I ask you to keep on doing it on a daily basis, then what will happen after a month?

You’ll be able to do 30 push-ups or even more very easily. Why?

Because now you’ve got enough strength and that’s how you build your stamina.

The same thing applies when it comes to your English communication. You need to practice speaking English daily to improve your communication skills. All I want you to do is to speak English with a new person every day. Whatever words you are learning, call the random person, talk with him/her and use those words. Take the critics, listen to feedback and improve. Keep on doing this for a month and I bet, you will see improvements.


Now you’re wondering how to find a random person to speak English every day, And why a random person? I can talk to my friend or my brother.

So here is another tip:

Doing it daily is important because you gotta build strength, but doing it daily with a new person is as important. And here is why:


Did you ever notice you get super comfortable with your friends and family. And it’s easy to say things and communicate with them. But that’s not what happens when you go for that job interview or meet someone and there you need to talk in English. That new person with whom you need to communicate is a total stranger & it gets weirder when that person doesn’t care about your knowledge but instead how well you communicate in English.


Hey listen, you have been practicing English with your friends and family so far. So your mind is not ready to carry on a conversation in English with a stranger in a comfortable way. You start sweating, panic starts and then you lose control over what you speak or you get quiet for a long time and that makes a bad impression. So the takeaway here is that you’re not ready to communicate in English with strangers.


So in your practice, what was missing? That Stranger was missing.
You need to bring a nice stranger to practice English every day. The good thing is, you don’t need to go on a hunt for a stranger every day. Just call EngVarta and it will find you a nice stranger (verified English experts) who speaks English and is ready to help you improve your communication.


For Regular English Practice with Expert: Download EngVarta Mobile App



How Video Games can help you to Remove Hesitation & Speak English Fluently?

How Video Games can help you to Remove Hesitation
How Video Games can help you to Remove Hesitation

How to get over your fear of being judged & speak English like you’re playing a video game?

  • Today we are going to uncover a big secret for all of you – ‘the real trick of speaking English confidently’.
    Have you ever thought that while filling any form, why written and spoken English capability is asked differently?
    People think that it is quite obvious that if you know English well, you also know how to write and speak English equally?
    But it’s not like that! It is not at all necessary that if you are good at writing or reading English, then your spoken English is also good. Many times people with lower proficiency in English speak fluently while the higher proficiency one’s stutter with aaa… auu…ooo… umm.
When you speak in any language, it all comes down to your level of confidence and your fear of being judged. Even when things are clear up here our nerves can affect our speech. In such situation either we stammer or we make grammatical mistakes, which in turns make us more nervous and this vicious cycle continue until we lose our confidence.


Now this is the root cause of this problem, but what is the solution for it? We found out that best solution for this problem is playing video games. You must be surprised, in a few moments we will make it clear, but first tell us, have you ever played video games in your childhood? Or do you still play games on your phone like Candy Crush, Subway Surfer, Temple Run, etc. ? Definitely the answer will be Yes! Most of us have and still do play one or the other game regularly.


Now, it’s time to take learning from them.


When you play any game, your target is to cross the level or to achieve a certain number of coins and whether you are good at it or not, you concentrate and totally dedicate yourself to achieve that target. And if you sit back to analyze every step while playing game, then times up and you lose that game because you did not achieve the set target in the given time.


Now when it comes to English speaking, your focus should be the target, i.e. getting your point across. The main point is that the listener should understand your views. If you focus on what you want to say, the words will follow, but if you give all your focus on saying it correctly, you might lose sight of your point and starts fumbling and feeling conscious.


But who are you afraid of? The one with whom you are conversing in English, or someone from the Society, you developed a thinking that they know better English than you. But that’s not the reason you’re Just scared of “Shame,” the reason for your fear is “what people will say” or “people will laugh at me”


You are scared of that the society might laugh at you and may not encourage you. Our video games, even teach us to overcome this fear as well. Imagine you are at a gaming arcade or fun zone, now when you play here you are playing for fun and you are not bothered about who’s watching you or what might that person say. In fact, many times you also get encouragement because no one is there to judge you.


If you play these games in pressure, it is quite obvious that mistakes will occur. When you start thinking that you have to play better to impress people, then this can increase your chances of mistakes. Instead of this, think like “I have to convey my point, maybe people will judge me, but if I am able to understand what the person is trying to convey and I am able to convey my thoughts then this is itself a wonderful start.


Let me cite an example; remember the speech of Akshay Kumar in Padman that he gives to the foreigners in broken English. Akshay was having confidence within himself, and he explained all what he wanted to, in that inaccurate English and got appreciation as well.


It is entirely obvious that if you speak out with confidence, then it might be possible that you might nullify those few mistakes gradually. But if you will not be able to speak because of the fear of mistakes, then what is the use of it?
To build your confidence while speaking English, imagine yourself as that child who is learning to speak. He does not fear what someone will say, he just tries to learn something new each day.


He makes mistakes and the people laugh at him as well, even then too child never quits walking on the path of learning. There is an idiom in English “Practice makes a man perfect”. So do not fear what people might say, just concentrate on what you have to say and say it with confidence.


For Regular English Practice with Expert: Download EngVarta Mobile App
