Your poor communication in English can cost:
Your next job interview,
may be a promotion,
or Your chance to make an impression,
🤔 Are you thinking about that last embarrassing moment you had due to poor English Communication?
Well, the good news is, you don’t need to worry about it anymore. EngVarta is a very simple solution to your English speaking problems.
Learn & Practice spoken English with live English Experts from the comfort of your place!
Practice English with experts in your free time from anywhere over a phone.
Just press the “Connect with Expert” button in the app and it will connect your call with a Live English Trainer.
Your identity is anonymous, therefore you don’t need to worry about your friends finding about your secret English speaking classes.
So, next time when you speak to your friends/colleagues, surprise them with your improved English communication.
How EngVarta can Help you to speak fluent English?
EngVarta philosophy is to give you an environment similar to what you had when you were learning your native language – remember how easy it was for you to learn that language and you even mastered that language before going to school, without learning the grammar of that language.
But what happens when you’re trying to speak English now, you’re too much focused on the rules & there is no practice. In contrast to that when you were learning your native language there were no rules & your brain was only doing 100% practice – listening, repeating, and then talking.
The struggle with English language is kind of similar to how when we’re trying to learn to drive a car: at the beginning, you know how the car works and what you need to do to drive it but when you try, sometimes you accelerate too much and sometimes you couldn’t shift the gear at a time and that is what’s happening with your English right now.
However when you practice driving the car for sometimes- you feel no problem in driving because then you’re not conscious about it, it happens itself, easily like walking. Same way with regular practice & developing confidence you will be able to speak English like your native language.
1. Get comfortable ( nobody is going to judge you here now ).
2. Call Engvarta experts at your own schedule.
3. Listen to Call Recordings & Complete Assignments.
Repeat this process daily to improve your English.
What are the Features?

Don’t fear about a grammatical error. Just speak up your mind and let your words flow without the fear of being judged by anyone on your English.

One to One Attention
Our experts will work with you 1 on 1 to improve your spoken English.

Connect with an expert on the phone and plan your 15-minute session according to your own schedule and time in the comfort of your home.

Listen to Recordings
Listen to your recordings as many times as you like to help you know your pronunciation mistakes.
How does it work?

Ready to Improve your Spoken English?
Frequently asked questions
What is the star rating in ‘My Recording’ screen?
The star rating in ‘My Recording’ screen is the rating you have received from the expert on your English practice session. So, if you see your rating going higher, it means you’re doing good and making improvements in your English communication.
What if any expert calls me back and I missed the call?
Don’t worry, whenever you’re available just call us back to connect with an expert for your practice session.
Why you are connecting me with random experts? Why I cannot speak with the same expert each time?
Talking with random people is one of the best ways to gain confidence in speaking English. We connect you with random experts because we don’t want you to get comfortable in speaking with just one person only. We want to make your communication better by facing new challenges every day. Speaking with random people daily will build up your confidence and you’ll be able to communicate better.
Why it is anonymous?
We are keeping it anonymous because taking English classes can be embarrassing for few people. They do not want to go coaching classes because they’re afraid they will make a mistake or be laughed at. Also, they don’t want their friends to know about their English coaching classes. So for those people, EngVarta is the easy and safe way to practice English with experts. You just need to spend 15 mins every day with our experts and in next 1 or 2 months, you’ll feel better and more confident. The more you practice, the more you will gain confidence in your English speaking abilities.
What if the call disconnects between the session? Will I lose the whole session?
Your calls are billed per minute. So, if due to any reason, your call disconnects between the session, you will only be billed for the minutes you actually spent talking with an expert on the call. You will not lose the whole session.
Also, you will get an opportunity to connect with the same expert right after the call.
What is the best time to talk with an expert?
You can connect with an expert at a time that is suitable to your schedule. This is the reason, our service is available for you from 7 am IST till 11:59 pm IST. When you subscribe to a practice plan our app will ask you to select a practice batch between 7 am to 11:59 pm IST. We recommend the users to call within their selected batch.
Can I connect with the same expert everytime?
EngVarta prepares you for the real world English, instead of making you comfortable in talking with one person only. We understand it’s human nature to build connections, but the purpose of EngVarta app is to not build connections however to improve your English communication. Due to that reason only we connect you with a random expert every time.
Talking with random people will give you a real-life practice environment & over time it will help you to gain confidence & remove hesitation. However, you will be given an opportunity to connect with the same expert, in the case when your call gets disconnected in between the session.
Also, from ‘My Recordings’ screen, you can re-connect with the same expert again to practice English. When you press the re-connect button the system will give priority to connect you with the same expert however in event that expert is busy on unavailable to take calls – your call will be connected with another live Expert.
How do I purchase a subscription plan?
Just click subscription plans from your dashboard screen and then select a plan that matches your learning goal. Press the Upgrade Button & Checkout using any of these available methods: debit card, credit card, UPI, bank, Paytm & other wallets.
Can I record my English sessions on mobile?
Every session with an English expert on EngVarta is recorded for you to listen as many times as you like to help you improve your pronunciation mistakes.
How do I connect with an expert?
To connect with an expert, download EngVarta app on your mobile device and complete your profile. After that select a subscription plan that best fits your learning requirements. We recommend you to start with the smallest plan first. Once your account is upgraded, click on ‘Connect with Expert’ button in the app.
Do you have a trial period?
Yes, we offer a trial plan in our app. A trial plan costs Rs 69 if you’re in India and $1 if you’re outside of India. Trial plan includes money back guarantee, so you can try our service without any risk. In case you’re not happy, we offer a 100% refund.