Other English Words to Say ‘GOOD’ in your Daily English Conversation


Top 20 advance words to replace good
Top 20 advance words to replace good

Are you bored of always saying – Good! You should try some new English words instead!

Using new English words in your daily English conversation will help you to improve your English vocabulary and speak English fluently.

ATTENTION – If you have no time to open a dictionary daily and learn words. Or, if you think learning words through a dictionary is not your cup of tea.

Here is what you need to do ~

Subscribe to EngVarta Vocabulary series & Get three words each morning in your mail. 

 Learn those three words along with your morning tea/coffee daily.

Sounds interesting?

Let’s get started!

Do you know – the word ‘Good’ is used a lot repetitively by many English speakers. Although, there is nothing wrong with it but if you want to sound like an advanced English speaker then using appropriate vocabulary is a must. 

English fluency is all about expanding your vocabulary and being able to speak out of your comfort zone in a natural flow.

So, today to help you move one step closer to speaking fluent English, I’m going to share 20 compelling vocabularies with you that you can use instead of going with ‘good’ all the time.

Below are some examples where you will see the same sentences with a better vocabulary replacing the word ‘Good’

Let’s start.


He has a good personality.

He has a wonderful personality.


You have a good family.

You have a lovely family.


Your dress looks really good.

That dress looks splendid


Riya is a good painter

Riya is a skilled painter 


My uncle is in good health.

My uncle is healthy. 


The party was very good.

The party was fabulous.


We had a very good time in the Maldives. 

We had a super time in the Maldives.


It was a very good performance.

It was a marvelous performance.


His proposal is not good.

His proposal is not acceptable.


It was a good speech.

It was a valuable speech. 


The cake tasted good.

The cake was delicious. 


The movie was good.

The movie was entertaining.


The sunrise in the Maldives was very good.

The sunrise in the Maldives was unforgettable. 


We had a good trip.

We had an enriching trip. 


Is it a good question?

Is it a valid question?


The art museum had some good paintings.

The art museum had some unique paintings.


I had a very good day.

I had an awesome day.


She did a very good job.

She did an outstanding job.


You have a good smile

You have a pleasant smile.


You have a good dressing sense.

You have a stylish dressing sense. 

So, those were some ways on how you can use different vocabulary in different situations instead of the word GOOD all the time.

Other 10 Synonyms for word ‘good’


  1. Acceptable.
  2. Exceptional.
  3. Great.
  4. Fine.
  5. satisfactory.
  6. satisfying.
  7. superb.
  8. valuable.
  9. Admirable
  10. Splendid



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If I ask you on the very first day of your fitness training to do 30 push-ups and you enthusiastically say ……

Okay! Let’s do it and you started doing.

Great! I am your coach here and I am counting…. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,… & so on…
(After 12 push-ups)

Oh, God! It’s too painful…..
You feel like giving up after 12 push-ups and there you say: I can’t do anymore!
Oh No! What happened to you after 12 pushups? Don’t you have enough strength?


Now if I ask you to keep on doing it on a daily basis, then what will happen after a month?

You’ll be able to do 30 push-ups or even more very easily. Why?

Because now you’ve got enough strength and that’s how you build your stamina.

The same thing applies when it comes to your English communication. You need to practice speaking English daily to improve your communication skills. All I want you to do is to speak English with a new person every day. Whatever words you are learning, call the random person, talk with him/her and use those words. Take the critics, listen to feedback and improve. Keep on doing this for a month and I bet, you will see improvements.


Now you’re wondering how to find a random person to speak English every day, And why a random person? I can talk to my friend or my brother.

So here is another tip:

Doing it daily is important because you gotta build strength, but doing it daily with a new person is as important. And here is why:


Did you ever notice you get super comfortable with your friends and family. And it’s easy to say things and communicate with them. But that’s not what happens when you go for that job interview or meet someone and there you need to talk in English. That new person with whom you need to communicate is a total stranger & it gets weirder when that person doesn’t care about your knowledge but instead how well you communicate in English.


Hey listen, you have been practicing English with your friends and family so far. So your mind is not ready to carry on a conversation in English with a stranger in a comfortable way. You start sweating, panic starts and then you lose control over what you speak or you get quiet for a long time and that makes a bad impression. So the takeaway here is that you’re not ready to communicate in English with strangers.


So in your practice, what was missing? That Stranger was missing.
You need to bring a nice stranger to practice English every day. The good thing is, you don’t need to go on a hunt for a stranger every day. Just call EngVarta and it will find you a nice stranger (verified English experts) who speaks English and is ready to help you improve your communication.


For Regular English Practice with Expert: Download EngVarta Mobile App
