You can learn English way faster than you think.
Please don’t panic; I’m not going to ask you to pack your bags and fly over to the United States.
This is simple — the best way to learn English is right in front of your eyes.
There are many ways that you can learn English. You could attend classes at an English school, read books, use audio and video courses, or learn from a friend. But you want to improve your English quickly, and your friends have told you that the best way to do so is to watch English movies.
But this is one of the most simple and direct ways of giving a process of learning and improving English.
Analyze the problem
If you want to learn a language, you have to be able to speak it. That’s obvious.
And yet, if you’re like most people, your main goal with English is probably not speaking it at all.
You may want to be able to read books or watch movies in English, or maybe even write an email or document once in a while. But do you really want to speak in English?
Do you want to be able to carry on conversations with people who aren’t aware that you’re not confident in that language? If so, why are you doing activities that involve no conversations?
In my experience as an ESL instructor, there are two main reasons you are not able to speak or improve your English :
1) You don’t have the right environment to start or practice English ;
2) You are afraid of making mistakes when they speak.
If you want to learn English, the first thing you need to do is analyze your situation.
If you already speak English, then you may want to analyze your level and see what kind of improvement you need. If you don’t speak English, then you need to analyze how much time and effort you are willing to put into learning it.
After analyzing your goals and level, analyze the language.
You may be surprised at what you find!
For example, do you know there are different ways in which you can express the same thing?
Let’s say you want to talk about time.
The most common way of expressing time and space in English is using prepositions like “at,” “on,” “in” or “by.”
But there are also other ways of speaking about these concepts. For example, there’s a difference between saying “I’m going to the airport” versus “I’m going to fly out.”
Instead of saying, “I was at work yesterday,” you could say, “I went to work yesterday.
Instead of saying, “I live in New York City,” you could say, “I reside in New York City.”
As you can see, these subtle differences make it easier for native speakers to communicate with each other because they don’t have to rely on specific words or phrases every time they want to describe something. And you as an English learner, don’t have to stress about rules and speaking. You can choose from what’s making your life easier.
Practice Consistently
Learning a new language is a lot like learning a new sport. You need to practice, practice, practice!
The second step is to practice speaking English in an environment where you feel comfortable. You can use language learning apps or websites like Duolingo or Babbel. These sites are good at teaching the basics of English, but they are not as effective at helping you improve your fluency.
The best way to practice speaking English is by having real conversations with people who speak English.. If you live in a country where there is no environment then joining a practice session can be a great idea.
The second way is to practice speaking English in an environment where you feel comfortable.
For example, if you’re learning English, try to make friends with someone who speaks English and wants to improve their English skills. If that’s not possible for you, try watching movies in English with subtitles and then watch them again without subtitles. The more often you listen to the sounds of words and sentences without needing visual cues from subtitles, the easier it will become for you to understand spoken English and speak it yourself!
Integrate what you have learned
When you’re learning a language, it’s easy to get bogged down in the details of grammar and pronunciation. But the real goal is to be able to use the language — to understand native speakers and speak with them fluently.
In order for this to happen, you must practice speaking. You don’t have to go out and find strangers who speak English; just find one or two friends or family members who are willing to help you practice (and who will correct your mistakes). It’s even better if they’re bilingual so that they can provide more detailed feedback about what you’re saying wrong.
Make sure that you’re using the new skills you’ve learned in real-world situations as much as possible. For example, if you’re trying to learn how to say “I’m hungry,” try saying it while at a restaurant or grocery store with someone else who knows English well enough to understand what you mean. Then see if they understand what you mean without having them explain it first! This will help make sure that your new words actually come out of your mouth when needed — something that’s often forgotten when practicing alone
I hope that this blog was able to provide you with some insights into how you learn English fast. With that, I wish you the best of luck in your studies!
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EngVarta is an English learning app where you can practice spoken English with the live English expert at the comfort of your home.