Top 10 Ways to Improve Your English – Improve your English Speaking skills and learn to Speak like a native.


Top 10 ways to improve your english
Top 10 ways to improve your English

Improve your English Speaking skills and learn to Speak like a native.

Do you feel extremely nervous or overwhelmed by the thought of improving your English?

This is because when you think about improving your spoken English, you start having thoughts like – Learning 20 words each day, memorizing complicated grammar rules, or joining English classes. It is just like a ‘mountain to climb.’ 

But that’s not true at all! 

There are many other ways that you can follow to improve your English sitting at home without joining any English classes. 

In this blog, you’ll get 10 ways to improve your spoken English competency and help you have an insightful conversation with anyone in English. 

  • Set monthly or weekly goals to improve your English. 

If you have a goal in mind, it makes it easier to stay motivated. Set monthly or weekly goals that are specific and measurable, then break them down into smaller tasks. These smaller tasks will help you reach your larger goal. 

This is why, when you log in to the EngVarta app, the first step is selecting a goal. Whether you want to improve your English for IELTS, or for cracking an interview.

For example, if your goal is to read more books in English, set a target number of pages you want to read each day and stick with it until you reach your goal. You can also create flashcards with new vocabulary words and practice speaking with English speakers so that you have opportunities to use them in real-life situations.

  • Set realistic deadlines for completing tasks.

It’s easy to get overwhelmed by all the things you want to do and never quite get around to doing anything.

 Setting deadlines for completing tasks is one way to stay organized and motivated. If you know exactly when you’re going to do something, it makes the task seem less intimidating so you’ll feel more inclined to get started right away. 

For example, setting a timer for speaking English for 15 minutes every day. 

  • Practice Elaborative Encoding to learn vocabulary.  

Elaborative encoding is a memory technique where you connect what you are trying to remember and what you already know. 

For example, if you want to learn the word “orange,” you might connect it with something like an orange tree or an orange fruit salad because these images will help you recall the word better later on.

When people use elaborative encoding techniques, they tend to remember more than those who don’t use them at all or use less effective techniques such as rote memorization. 

  • Find YOUR way of improving your English.

The first thing you need to do is figure out what kind of learner you are. Do you learn better by hearing something or seeing it written down? Do you prefer reading or writing? Are there certain things you like to do that help you learn?

Once you know your own learning style and preferences, it will be easier for you to decide how to improve your English.

  1. Have an accountability language partner.  

If you want to improve your English, it’s essential to have a language partner. 

A language partner is someone who speaks the language you’re learning and helps you with your pronunciation and grammar.

All you need to do is make sure that both people are committed to improving their English and that you have similar goals for what you want to achieve by studying together. Then, meet up regularly and study together online or face-to-face!

  • Speak with different English speakers every day

When students ask us why they get connected with different Experts at EngVarta, this the reason we tell them. When you just speak to one person daily, you limit your oral competence. One of the best ways to improve your spoken English is to talk to different English speakers every day. In real-life situations, you don’t talk to one person, but you meet different people and all have different nuances of the language. This is the reason when you practice with different Experts, you get more exposure to the language. You get constructive feedback from all of them. 

  • Build English-speaking confidence 

As a fluent speaker, I bet you probably think that English speakers are very confident, they never run out of words or they know a lot of vocabulary. 

But even the most confident speakers can fall prey to self-doubt in new situations. The good news is, that confidence is a skill that can be learned—and it’s not nearly as hard as you might think.

The first step is to know your strengths. If there are activities where you always feel comfortable speaking English or you’re happy with your results, start with those situations when practicing your speaking skills

  • Practice speaking English as much as you can. 

This may seem like a no-brainer, but it bears repeating: the best way to improve your English is to practice using it!

I know, I know. You hate talking in English because you’re afraid of making mistakes, or you think your accent is too thick, or you don’t have anyone to practice with—this is all perfectly normal. But the more you avoid speaking in English, the harder it will be to improve your English. So stop avoiding it! Just start practicing whenever and wherever you can. 

  • Think in English 

One way to improve your English is to start thinking in English. Thinking in a language is the same as speaking it, so if you can get into the habit of thinking in English, you’ll find that your vocabulary and sentence structure will improve.

Your mind will have more opportunity to naturally absorb the structure and flow of the language. You won’t have to expend mental energy on translating from your mother tongue into the target language, which will free up brainpower to focus on the matter at hand.

  • Read as much as possible 

 The best way to improve your vocabulary is by reading as much as possible and by writing down new words. 

It improves your understanding of words and the structure of sentences. If you’re learning a new language, reading is an excellent way to get in touch with its nuances as well as the culture of the people who speak that language. 

Takeaway : 

One of the mandatory things you need to do to improve your English is pushing yourself out of your comfort zone. Start doing things that you fear. Take charge of your language skills and grab as many opportunities as you can. 

Lastly, if you are looking for someone to help you improve your English or wish to practice English daily for 15-60 minutes, join the Engvarta app. EngVarta is an English speaking practice app where you can practice speaking in English daily without any hesitation.

Write down what you think about the article.

Thanks for reading! 

Simple Ways of Boosting English Speaking Skills

Simple Ways of Boosting English Speaking Skills
Simple Ways of Boosting English Speaking Skills
  • Many people know English but couldn’t speak. Many know how to speak with confidence but do not have a good grip on English. Many people know the language, could talk with their friends but could not speak in front of the crowd.

    A poor command over the language can be partly blamed for lack of sound communication skills and public speaking skills. As you can see, these three issues are interconnected; targeting each one of them can ease out the other issues a bit.

    As we are looking for solutions of all the three problems, let us see into them one by one.

How to improve English?

We all know that English is a universal language. It is spoken in almost every part of the world. All the famous pieces of literature are in English. The education system and the corporate world demand a thorough knowledge of English. Globalization depends on English. The companies that operate in many different nations connect with other nationals with the help of English. If you are in an interview of a MNC and do not speak in English, they may reject you on this sole basis. And, hence, everyone should make it a point to gain proficiency in this language.


If you want to improve your English, here are some easy ways to do so. If you strictly follow the below-mentioned tips, you would be able to improve your English in months depending on your speed. The best thing is that you would not need to join any English-learning institute to master the language. With these tips, you can learn English, all by yourself.


Here are the easy ways to improve English:


‣Make English Your Habit

The most important thing is consistency. You must be devoted, determinate, and consistent in everything you do. If you want to learn English, you should be consistent.

Make it a point to dedicate some time to English regularly. Make English your habit. Whatever you learn, keep repeating and practicing it.

Remember consistency is the key to learn any new art. Begin your day with English and finish your day with English.


‣Clear your basics

You don’t need to invest in coaching classes to clear your basics. Even if you are beginning from scratch, you can teach yourself. Take some help from the online tutorials. There are many good websites that teach English to beginners.

Register with any good website with good ratings and start teaching yourself.


‣Read newspaper

Begin your day with digging deep into the newspaper. This will not just enhance your awareness but also, English.

The newspapers bring many new words to our table every day. You need not try very hard to enhance your vocabulary. Just read the newspaper, mark the new words, and note them down. Pay attention to sentence formation.


‣Read magazines and novels

Magazine and novels contain the words used by millennial. Knowing and using the trending words boosts vocabulary and confidence.

Keep reading magazines and novels to learn some fancy words. You can take up this habit, once your basics are clear.


‣Listen to English

Just like reading and writing, listening too helps in learning English. Switch on your TV or Netflix and enjoy watching movies or series. But, don’t forget to Google new English words that you come across.

Listening to English will also help you correct your pronunciation.



You learn English to be able to talk. If you are not speaking English, there is no use of learning it.  And so, you must also talk in English. We understand your hesitation of not being able to speak confidently and we will learn how to deal with those issues later in the article. But, you can at least begin with talking to yourself. Stand in front of the mirror and talk to yourself. You can also take help from online websites and applications.


EngVarta is the best app for learning English in an interactive manner. To learn English on EngVarta, you just need to log in. On the platform, you will meet many English speakers who will willingly help you to polish your English speaking skills.


EngVarta can be used by the people who are trying to learn English, as well as those, who know English but hesitate in talking in English. Regular practice with the English speakers will help in polishing the speaking skills and boosting confidence. This is the easiest and one of the most potent ways of boosting English speaking skill. With these easy tips, you will be able to speak English fluently.


For Regular English Practice with Expert: Download EngVarta Mobile App



Want to Improve your English? Practice English With Experts

English learning app
English learning app

If I ask you on the very first day of your fitness training to do 30 push-ups and you enthusiastically say ……

Okay! Let’s do it and you started doing.

Great! I am your coach here and I am counting…. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,… & so on…
(After 12 push-ups)

Oh, God! It’s too painful…..
You feel like giving up after 12 push-ups and there you say: I can’t do anymore!
Oh No! What happened to you after 12 pushups? Don’t you have enough strength?


Now if I ask you to keep on doing it on a daily basis, then what will happen after a month?

You’ll be able to do 30 push-ups or even more very easily. Why?

Because now you’ve got enough strength and that’s how you build your stamina.

The same thing applies when it comes to your English communication. You need to practice speaking English daily to improve your communication skills. All I want you to do is to speak English with a new person every day. Whatever words you are learning, call the random person, talk with him/her and use those words. Take the critics, listen to feedback and improve. Keep on doing this for a month and I bet, you will see improvements.


Now you’re wondering how to find a random person to speak English every day, And why a random person? I can talk to my friend or my brother.

So here is another tip:

Doing it daily is important because you gotta build strength, but doing it daily with a new person is as important. And here is why:


Did you ever notice you get super comfortable with your friends and family. And it’s easy to say things and communicate with them. But that’s not what happens when you go for that job interview or meet someone and there you need to talk in English. That new person with whom you need to communicate is a total stranger & it gets weirder when that person doesn’t care about your knowledge but instead how well you communicate in English.


Hey listen, you have been practicing English with your friends and family so far. So your mind is not ready to carry on a conversation in English with a stranger in a comfortable way. You start sweating, panic starts and then you lose control over what you speak or you get quiet for a long time and that makes a bad impression. So the takeaway here is that you’re not ready to communicate in English with strangers.


So in your practice, what was missing? That Stranger was missing.
You need to bring a nice stranger to practice English every day. The good thing is, you don’t need to go on a hunt for a stranger every day. Just call EngVarta and it will find you a nice stranger (verified English experts) who speaks English and is ready to help you improve your communication.


For Regular English Practice with Expert: Download EngVarta Mobile App



5 Simple Tips to follow For Better Communication

Simple Tips to follow For better communication
Simple Tips to follow For better communication
  • In this blog, we’ll talk about 5 tricks which will help you to never run out of things to say in a conversion.
    Yes… can talk in English without pressurizing yourself keeping these points in mind.
    How often does it happen that we are talking about something, and turn silent the next moment?
    This might happen with you as well, right?

You just have to keep these 5 points in your mind and you will always find something to
pop up in your conversation.
Are you guys excited? So lets start…


1. Reminds me of.
What you could do is look around yourself and say: hey this reminds me of ——- & then
fill in the blanks with something you see around. It could be anything around you – and that will keep the conversation going.

For example: if there are kids playing say – hey, this little kid looks like my nephew? Or he reminds of that cute boy from a movie which I watched recently?

Oh, this painting reminds me of my last trips to Manali. There can be many variations and it always will give you more things to talk about.


2. Ask open ended questions.
Let’s take an example to understand it.
If you ask someone “Do you like Delhi?” So the answer can be either “Yes, I like Delhi.” Or I don’t like Delhi.

But if you ask How do you like Delhi/ Tell me something about Delhi?
Where you ask “Why” – there is a probability that it will lead to a conversation.
Suppose you meet any teacher, then you can ask, ‘WHY DID YOU CHOOSE TO BE A TEACHER?’


3. Use revival question.
When you feel that you don’t understand anything and you suddenly start feeling what to say in certain situations, then this point will help you for sure.


Suppose… you are in a new group…you don’t know anyone and after short introduction. You fail to keep the conversation going then….. You may ask HOW DO YOU PEOPLE KNOW EACH OTHER?

And for sure, some or the other story will come out about which you can talk.
Or on condition that it’s just a conversation between two people, then you can ask, ‘What’s your story?’ Everyone has some story to tell and also it’s an open ended question.

To those people whom you already know, even while talking to them you feel like, ‘What to say now?”

You can ask them about their future plans? What are they working on?

Everyone has some plans and want to make their life interesting- just give
them a chance to talk about it.


4. Give compliments.
You have to compliment something that you have noticed and you liked it?
Like someone’s hairstyle is looking decent then you could ask them “did you get a haircut?” Even if they didn’t, you may talk about what made you think so.


5. Flip the script.
You may take a pause while speaking & make a good eye contact.
It is very important that you give another person the opportunity to speak, or to ask something. If you still feel stuck or nothing to ask – try asking why or how did you feel about the last sentence that person talked about.

For example- If someone went to a museum yesterday, so you can ask,’ DID YOU ENJOY YOURSELF THERE?’

Or ‘awesome! Tell me something interesting about that place?
like the new things you discovered etc.

So friends if you keep these 5 points in your mind this will help your conversation going. But the secret to having a great conversion is to sharpen your skills with regular practice. So go ahead and start practicing these tricks with the friends or new people you’re meeting.


For Regular English Practice with Expert: Download EngVarta Mobile App
