Boost Your Vocabulary: 50 Simple Words to Add to Your Daily Conversations

Boost Your Vocabulary: 50 Simple Words to Add to Your Daily Conversations

Expanding your vocabulary doesn’t have to be daunting. Simple words can make a big impact on your ability to communicate clearly and effectively. Here are 50 simple words to enhance your daily conversations, along with tips on how to use them.

Why Expanding Your Vocabulary Matters

Expanding your vocabulary:

  • Improves communication: Simple, clear words help convey your thoughts more accurately.
  • Enhances understanding: A broader vocabulary aids in comprehending texts and conversations.
  • Boosts confidence: Knowing the right words can make you more confident in speaking and writing.

How to Incorporate New Words

  1. Read Regularly: Books, articles, and blogs expose you to new words in context.
  2. Use a Dictionary: Look up unfamiliar words and learn their meanings.
  3. Practice Writing: Incorporate new words into your writing to reinforce learning.
  4. Engage in Conversations: Use new words in your daily interactions to make them part of your active vocabulary.

50 Simple Words to Enhance Your Daily Conversations

  1. Admire (verb) – To look up to someone.
    • Example: “I admire her dedication to her work.”
  2. Brave (adj.) – Showing courage.
    • Example: “He is a brave firefighter.”
  3. Calm (adj.) – Free from stress or worry.
    • Example: “She remained calm during the emergency.”
  4. Delight (noun) – A feeling of great pleasure.
    • Example: “The children’s laughter was a delight.”
  5. Eager (adj.) – Very interested and excited.
    • Example: “She was eager to start her new job.”
  6. Fancy (adj.) – Elaborate or decorative.
    • Example: “He wore a fancy suit to the party.”
  7. Gentle (adj.) – Kind and soft.
    • Example: “He gave the baby a gentle hug.”
  8. Happy (adj.) – Feeling or showing pleasure.
    • Example: “She was happy with her gift.”
  9. Idea (noun) – A thought or suggestion.
    • Example: “He had a great idea for a new project.”
  10. Joyful (adj.) – Full of joy.
    • Example: “Their reunion was a joyful occasion.”
  11. Kind (adj.) – Friendly and generous.
    • Example: “She is always kind to strangers.”
  12. Lively (adj.) – Full of life and energy.
    • Example: “The concert was lively and fun.”
  13. Mighty (adj.) – Strong and powerful.
    • Example: “The mighty lion roared loudly.”
  14. Neat (adj.) – Tidy and organized.
    • Example: “His desk was always neat.”
  15. Odd (adj.) – Strange or unusual.
    • Example: “He had an odd habit of talking to himself.”
  16. Proud (adj.) – Feeling pleased and satisfied.
    • Example: “She was proud of her achievements.”
  17. Quick (adj.) – Fast in movement or action.
    • Example: “She gave a quick response.”
  18. Rare (adj.) – Not common or frequent.
    • Example: “It is rare to see such kindness.”
  19. Simple (adj.) – Easy to understand or do.
    • Example: “The instructions were simple to follow.”
  20. Tasty (adj.) – Having a pleasant flavor.
    • Example: “The cake was very tasty.”
  21. Unique (adj.) – Being the only one of its kind.
    • Example: “Each person’s fingerprint is unique.”
  22. Vivid (adj.) – Bright and clear.
    • Example: “She has vivid memories of her childhood.”
  23. Wise (adj.) – Showing good judgment.
    • Example: “His advice was very wise.”
  24. Young (adj.) – Having lived for a short time.
    • Example: “The young girl loves to play.”
  25. Zest (noun) – Great enthusiasm and energy.
    • Example: “She approached life with zest.”
  26. Brisk (adj.) – Quick and energetic.
    • Example: “They took a brisk walk in the park.”
  27. Cozy (adj.) – Comfortable and warm.
    • Example: “The cabin was cozy and inviting.”
  28. Dull (adj.) – Lacking interest or excitement.
    • Example: “The lecture was dull and boring.”
  29. Fresh (adj.) – New and clean.
    • Example: “She loves the fresh smell of rain.”
  30. Glimpse (noun) – A quick look.
    • Example: “She caught a glimpse of the sunset.”
  31. Humble (adj.) – Not proud or arrogant.
    • Example: “He remained humble despite his success.”
  32. Instant (adj.) – Happening immediately.
    • Example: “She felt an instant connection with him.”
  33. Jolly (adj.) – Happy and cheerful.
    • Example: “He is always in a jolly mood.”
  34. Keen (adj.) – Eager or enthusiastic.
    • Example: “She is keen to learn new skills.”
  35. Light (adj.) – Not heavy or intense.
    • Example: “The dress was made of light fabric.”
  36. Mild (adj.) – Gentle and not extreme.
    • Example: “The weather was mild and pleasant.”
  37. Noble (adj.) – Having high moral qualities.
    • Example: “He is a noble and honorable man.”
  38. Open (adj.) – Honest and willing to share.
    • Example: “She was open about her feelings.”
  39. Polite (adj.) – Showing good manners.
    • Example: “He was polite and respectful.”
  40. Quiet (adj.) – Making little or no noise.
    • Example: “The library was quiet and peaceful.”
  41. Rich (adj.) – Having a lot of wealth or resources.
    • Example: “The soil was rich and fertile.”
  42. Soft (adj.) – Gentle to touch.
    • Example: “The blanket was soft and warm.”
  43. True (adj.) – In accordance with fact.
    • Example: “Her story was true and accurate.”
  44. Useful (adj.) – Helpful and practical.
    • Example: “The guidebook was very useful.”
  45. Valued (adj.) – Highly regarded.
    • Example: “He was a valued member of the team.”
  46. Warm (adj.) – Having a moderate heat.
    • Example: “The soup was warm and comforting.”
  47. Xerox (noun) – A copy made by a photocopier.
    • Example: “Please make a xerox of this document.”
  48. Yummy (adj.) – Tasty and delicious.
    • Example: “The cookies were yummy.”
  49. Zeal (noun) – Great energy in pursuit of a cause.
    • Example: “She worked with great zeal.”
  50. Bright (adj.) – Full of light or color.
    • Example: “The future looks bright.”

Learn These Words Easily with EngVarta

Enhancing your vocabulary is a breeze with EngVarta. Our app provides an immersive learning experience that helps you practice and master new words daily. With live practice sessions and personalized feedback from expert language trainers, you’ll be able to use these words confidently in your conversations. EngVarta’s interactive platform ensures that learning is engaging and effective, making it easier to integrate new vocabulary into your everyday speech. Download the EngVarta App today to start your journey with EngVarta today and watch your English skills soar! Get free English lessons from our YouTube channel.


Building your vocabulary with simple, everyday words can significantly enhance your ability to communicate and understand others. Start using these words today, and watch your conversations become more engaging and effective. Happy learning!

Understanding Phrasal Verbs in English Grammar


Phrasal Verbs in English Grammar
Phrasal Verbs in English Grammar

English grammar is replete with various elements that add complexity and nuance to the language. Among these elements, phrasal verbs stand out as a distinctive feature, playing a crucial role in both spoken and written communication. Phrasal verbs consist of a main verb combined with one or more particles (prepositions or adverbs), and mastering them is essential for achieving fluency in English.

What are Phrasal Verbs?

A phrasal verb is formed by combining a verb with one or more particles, creating a new meaning that often differs from the individual words. These particles can be prepositions or adverbs. For example, the verb “look” combined with the preposition “up” creates the phrasal verb “look up,” which means to search for information.

Types of Phrasal Verbs

Phrasal verbs can be categorized into two main types:

 Transitive and intransitive

  • Transitive Phrasal Verbs:
      • These verbs are followed by an object, and the meaning of the verb often depends on the particle used. For instance, in the phrasal verb “look up,” the object could be a piece of information you are searching for.
    • Example: She looked up the word in the dictionary.
  • Intransitive Phrasal Verbs:
    • These verbs do not require an object. The meaning is often idiomatic, and it might not be apparent from the individual words.
  • Example: The children quickly ran out of the room when they heard the bell.

Separable and Inseparable Phrasal Verbs

Phrasal verbs can also be classified as separable or inseparable based on whether the object can be placed between the verb and the particle.

  • Separable Phrasal Verbs:
      • In these verbs, the object can come between the verb and the particle or follow the particle.
    • Example: She picked the book up. OR She picked up the book.
  • Inseparable Phrasal Verbs:
    • In these verbs, the object must follow the particle.
  • Example: They broke up last year.

Common Usage in Daily Communication

Phrasal verbs are pervasive in everyday English, and their usage adds a colloquial and natural touch to the language. While some learners find them challenging due to their varied meanings, mastering phrasal verbs enhances one’s ability to understand and express ideas effectively.

Here are some examples of commonly used phrasal verbs:

  • Call off:
      • Meaning: To cancel
      • Example: The meeting was called off due to unforeseen circumstances.
  • Bring up:
      • Meaning: To mention or introduce a topic
      • Example: She brought up an interesting point during the discussion.
  • Give in:
    • Meaning: To surrender or yield
    • Example: After a lengthy negotiation, they finally gave in to the demands.

Tips for Learning and Using Phrasal Verbs

  • Context is Key:
      • Pay attention to the context in which phrasal verbs are used, as this often provides clues to their meanings.
  • Read Widely:
      • Exposure to a variety of written material helps in encountering and understanding different phrasal verbs in diverse contexts.
  • Practice Regularly:
      • Actively use phrasal verbs in your speaking and writing to reinforce their usage and meanings.
  • Use Reference Materials:
    • Consult dictionaries or language resources that provide explanations and examples of phrasal verbs.

Have a look at EngVarta’s Phrasal Verbs series! In this video, we dive deep into the phrasal verbs associated with the word “Look.” Understanding phrasal verbs is crucial for English fluency, as they are commonly used in everyday conversation. Join us as we unravel the meanings, uses, and nuances of various ‘Look’ phrasal verbs, making your journey in English learning more comprehensive and enlightening.

🔍 What You’ll Learn:

  • Detailed explanations of phrasal verbs like ‘look up’, ‘look after’, ‘look into’, and more.
  • Contextual examples to showcase how each phrasal verb is used in everyday language.
  • Tips for remembering and applying these verbs in your own conversations.

📚 Phrasal Verb Mastery:

  • Discover the versatility of ‘Look’ in phrasal verb formations.
  • Learn the subtleties that differentiate similar phrasal verbs.
  • Enhance your understanding of English grammar in a practical way.

📘 Building Fluent English:

  • Exercises to practice and reinforce your understanding of ‘Look’ phrasal verbs.
  • Strategies to incorporate phrasal verbs into your active vocabulary.

👥 Engage with Our EngVarta Community:

  • Share sentences you’ve created using ‘Look’ phrasal verbs.
  • Get feedback and insights from fellow learners and experts.
  • This series is not just about learning phrasal verbs; it’s about gaining the confidence to use them fluently in your daily English. Stay tuned for more videos covering different phrasal verbs in our series!

Download EngVarta for more in-depth English grammar practice.


In conclusion, phrasal verbs are an integral part of English grammar, contributing to the language’s richness and versatility. While they may pose a challenge for learners, understanding their meanings and usage enhances one’s ability to communicate effectively. Regular practice, exposure to diverse contexts, and a keen awareness of how phrasal verbs function will undoubtedly contribute to mastering this essential aspect of English language proficiency.