Phone Call Vocabulary & Phrases in English

Phone Call Vocabulary & Phrases in English

Effective communication is vital in both personal and professional settings, and phone calls are a significant part of our daily interactions. Mastering phone call vocabulary and phrases can greatly enhance your confidence and clarity when talking on the phone. Whether you’re making a business call, setting up an appointment, or catching up with a friend, here are some essential phrases and tips to help you navigate phone calls with ease.

Introduction to Phone Call Etiquette

Before diving into specific phone call vocabulary and phrases, it’s important to understand some basic phone call etiquette:

  • Greet politely: Always start with a friendly greeting.
  • Identify yourself: State your name and, if necessary, your company or organization.
  • Be clear and concise: Get to the point while being courteous.
  • Listen actively: Pay attention to the other person and respond appropriately.
  • End the call gracefully: Summarize key points and say goodbye politely.

Common Phone Call Vocabulary and Phrases

Starting the Call

  1. Making a Call:
    • “Hello, this is [Your Name]. May I speak with [Recipient’s Name], please?”
    • “Good morning/afternoon/evening, this is [Your Name] from [Your Company]. I’m calling regarding [reason for the call].”
  2. Receiving a Call:
    • “Hello, [Your Name] speaking. How can I help you?”
    • “Thank you for calling [Your Company]. This is [Your Name]. How may I assist you?”

Requesting Information or Action

  1. Asking for Someone:
    • “Could I speak to [Recipient’s Name], please?”
    • “Is [Recipient’s Name] available?”
  2. Leaving a Message:
    • “Could you please take a message for [Recipient’s Name]?”
    • “Please let [Recipient’s Name] know that I called and ask them to call me back.”
  3. Clarifying Information:
    • “Could you please repeat that?”
    • “I didn’t catch that. Could you say it again, please?”

Confirming and Arranging Details

  1. Confirming Information:
    • “Let me confirm that. You said [details], correct?”
    • “Just to be sure, your appointment is at [time] on [date], right?”
  2. Making Appointments:
    • “I’d like to schedule an appointment with [Recipient’s Name].”
    • “Is [time] on [date] convenient for you?”
  3. Agreeing to Arrangements:
    • “That works for me. Thank you.”
    • “I look forward to it. See you then.”

Handling Issues

  1. Expressing Concerns:
    • “I’m afraid there’s a problem with [issue].”
    • “I’m not happy with [issue]. Can you help resolve it?”
  2. Seeking Assistance:
    • “Can you please help me with [problem]?”
    • “I’m having trouble with [issue]. Could you assist me?”

Ending the Call

  1. Summarizing the Call:
    • “To summarize, we’ve agreed on [details].”
    • “Just to recap, you will [action].”
  2. Saying Goodbye:
    • “Thank you for your time. Goodbye.”
    • “Have a great day. Bye!”

For Commonly Used Telephone Phrasal Verbs in English you can check this blog

Advanced Tips for Phone Conversations

  1. Stay Positive: Always maintain a positive and friendly tone, even if the conversation is challenging.
  2. Take Notes: Write down important details during the call to avoid forgetting key points.
  3. Speak Clearly: Communicate your words clearly and avoid speaking too quickly.
  4. Be Patient: Allow the other person to speak without interrupting.
  5. Use Polite Language: Phrases like “please,” “thank you,” and “excuse me” go a long way in maintaining politeness.

Stay Connected with EngVarta

Enhance your English communication skills further by joining the EngVarta community! Follow us on social media for tips, resources, and engaging content to help you master English:

Download the EngVarta app from the Play Store and App Store and stay connected, stay motivated, and keep learning!


Mastering phone call vocabulary and phrases in English can significantly improve your communication skills. By using these phrases and tips, you can handle various phone conversations with confidence and professionalism. Remember, practice makes perfect, so don’t hesitate to use this phone call vocabulary in your daily interactions.

Top 10 Resources for Learning English Online

Top 10 Resources for Learning English Online

Learning English online has never been easier, thanks to the plethora of resources available at our fingertips. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to polish your skills, there’s something for everyone. Here are the top 10 online resources to help you master the English language from the comfort of your home.

1. Duolingo

Duolingo is a popular app known for its gamified approach to language learning. It offers bite-sized lessons that are perfect for daily practice. The app covers reading, writing, listening, and speaking, making it a comprehensive tool for beginners and intermediate learners who are learning English online.


  • Interactive exercises
  • Immediate feedback
  • Progress tracking

2. BBC Learning English

BBC Learning English provides a wealth of free resources, including videos, audio, and written lessons. It covers grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation, along with news stories to improve listening skills. It’s an excellent resource for those learning English online.


  • Daily updates
  • Real-life language use
  • Engaging content

3. EngVarta

EngVarta stands out as an exceptional resource for mastering English through real-time practice sessions with live language experts. It’s perfect for learners who want to improve their speaking skills and gain confidence in conversations. EngVarta is a premier choice for those focused on learning English online.


  • One-on-one sessions: Personalized interactions with language experts.
  • Expert feedback: Receive immediate and constructive feedback on your speaking.
  • Flexible scheduling: Choose session times that fit your schedule.
  • Interactive learning: Engage in conversations on various topics to enhance fluency.

EngVarta’s approach is tailored to individual needs, making it an ideal choice for anyone looking to boost their English speaking skills quickly and effectively while learning English online.

Website: EngVarta
App Link: EngVarta App 
YouTube Channel: EngVarta

4. Coursera

Coursera offers online courses from top universities and institutions. Their English learning courses range from beginner to advanced levels, covering academic English, business English, and general communication skills. Coursera is a solid choice for structured and comprehensive learning English online.


  • University-level courses
  • Certificates of completion
  • Flexible learning schedule

5. Grammarly

Grammarly is an excellent tool for improving your writing skills. It checks your grammar, punctuation, and style in real-time, providing suggestions to enhance your writing quality. It’s particularly useful for learners focusing on learning English online and improving their written communication.


  • Real-time writing feedback
  • Vocabulary enhancement
  • Detailed explanations

6. TED Talks

TED Talks are a great resource for learning English online while being inspired by experts in various fields. The talks cover a wide range of topics and come with subtitles and interactive transcripts. TED Talks are ideal for those learning English online through engaging and thought-provoking content.


  • Engaging content
  • Subtitles in multiple languages
  • Interactive transcripts

7. Memrise

Memrise uses spaced repetition and mnemonic techniques to help you remember new vocabulary. It’s a fun and effective way to expand your English vocabulary and improve your language retention. Memrise is a popular choice for learners who are learning English online.


  • Spaced repetition system
  • Mnemonic aids
  • User-generated content

8. English Central

English Central offers video lessons with interactive exercises. It covers a variety of topics, from everyday conversation to business English, and provides personalized feedback on your pronunciation and usage. English Central is a comprehensive platform for learning English online.


  • Video-based learning
  • Interactive exercises
  • Pronunciation feedback

9. Quizlet

Quizlet allows you to create and study flashcards on any topic, including English vocabulary and grammar. It’s a versatile tool that’s perfect for reinforcing what you’ve learned. Quizlet is highly effective for learners focused on learning English online.


  • Customizable flashcards
  • Study games
  • Progress tracking

10. ESL Pod

ESL Pod offers audio lessons designed for English learners. Each podcast episode covers a specific topic, providing vocabulary, explanations, and cultural insights to enhance your understanding of the language. ESL Pod is a convenient resource for those learning English online through audio content.


  • Topic-specific podcasts
  • Detailed explanations
  • Cultural insights


These top 10 resources provide a variety of methods and tools to help you learn English online. While all these resources offer unique benefits, EngVarta’s personalized approach with live practice sessions makes it a standout choice for improving your English speaking skills. Start exploring these resources today and take your English skills to the next level! Happy learning English online!

The Best English Learning Apps for Beginners: A Comprehensive Guide


best English learning apps for beginners
best English learning apps for beginners


In today’s interconnected world, English has become the lingua franca of communication. Whether you’re a student, professional, or traveler, having a good command of English opens up numerous opportunities. Fortunately, with the advent of technology, learning English has become more accessible and convenient than ever. English learning apps provide a flexible and interactive platform for beginners to enhance their language skills. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore some of the best English learning apps available, including the highly acclaimed EngVarta app.


Duolingo is a widely popular language learning app that offers interactive lessons for beginners. Its gamified approach makes language learning fun and engaging. With Duolingo, users can practice reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills through bite-sized exercises. The English learning app provides personalized feedback and progress tracking, ensuring a structured learning experience.


EngVarta is an innovative English learning app that specifically focuses on improving spoken English skills. It provides users with one-on-one English practice sessions with live English experts. Through audio and video calls, learners can engage in real-time conversations, receive personalized feedback, and gain confidence in their speaking abilities. EngVarta’s interactive sessions simulate real-life scenarios, making it an effective English learning app for beginners to overcome language barriers.


Babbel is a user-friendly English learning app that caters to beginners with its practical approach to language learning. It offers a wide range of interactive lessons, covering vocabulary, grammar, and conversational skills. Babbel emphasizes real-life scenarios, helping users gain confidence in speaking English. The English learning app also provides offline access to lessons, making it convenient for learners on the go.


HelloTalk takes a unique approach to language learning by connecting learners with native speakers of English. This language exchange English learning app allows users to engage in real conversations with native speakers through voice calls, text messages, and audio recordings. Beginners can practice their speaking and listening skills while gaining cultural insights from their language partners.

Rosetta Stone

Rosetta Stone is a renowned name in language learning, and its English learning app is equally impressive. It focuses on immersive learning, employing speech recognition technology to provide real-time feedback on pronunciation. The app incorporates various activities, such as interactive lessons, games, and audio exercises, to help beginners develop their language skills effectively.


English learning apps offer a convenient and effective way for beginners to enhance their language skills. Whether you prefer gamified lessons, immersive experiences, or interactive conversations, there is an app suited to your learning style. Duolingo, Rosetta Stone, Babbel, and HelloTalk are among the top English learning apps that cater to beginners’ needs. In addition, the EngVarta app stands out by providing personalized spoken English practice sessions with live tutors, enabling learners to gain fluency and confidence in their spoken English skills.

As a beginner, exploring these English learning apps and finding the one that resonates with your learning style can significantly accelerate your progress in mastering the English language. Embrace the power of technology and embark on your English learning journey with these top-rated apps!

Remember, practice is key, so make sure to dedicate regular time to engage with these English learning apps and maximize your language learning potential. Happy learning!

Benefits of using an English Learning Apps to Improve your English


Benefits of using an English Learning App
Benefits of using an English Learning App

English is a vital language in today’s globalized world. It is the most widely spoken language and is considered the lingua franca of international business and tourism. This is why many people are now motivated to learn or improve their English skills. There are many ways to improve one’s English, including taking traditional classes, hiring a tutor, or using an English learning app. In this article, we will explore the benefits of using an English learning app to improve your English.

  • Convenience and Flexibility

One of the main advantages of using an English learning app is the convenience and flexibility it offers. With an English learning app, you can study at any time and place that is convenient for you, as long as you have an internet connection. You can study in short bursts during your commute, during lunch breaks, or in the comfort of your own home. This allows you to fit your English studies into your busy schedule, making it easier to stick to your learning plan.

  • Personalized Learning

English learning apps usually use algorithms to adapt to the individual learner’s pace, needs, and interests. This means that the English learning app will create a personalized learning plan for you based on your progress, strengths, and weaknesses. This will allow you to focus on the areas that need improvement, and make the most of your time and effort. Additionally, the English learning app will keep track of your progress and adjust your learning plan accordingly, ensuring that you are making steady progress towards your goal.

  • Interactive and Engaging

English learning apps are designed to be interactive and engaging, using a variety of learning tools such as videos, games, quizzes, and real-life situations to keep you motivated. This makes learning English fun and enjoyable, rather than a chore. By engaging with the content in an interactive way, you are more likely to remember the information and make lasting improvements to your English skills.

  • Cost-Effective

Compared to traditional language classes, English learning apps are a much more cost-effective option. Many apps offer a free basic version, while others have a low monthly subscription fee. This makes it easier for people on a budget to access high-quality English language education. Additionally, you do not need to worry about traveling expenses or time off from work to attend classes, making English learning more accessible for everyone.

  • Access to a Wide Range of Learning Materials

English learning apps offer access to a vast library of learning materials, including videos, audio recordings, articles, and more. This allows you to choose the type of material that suits your learning style best and to access the materials anytime and anywhere. This variety of materials ensures that you are exposed to different styles of English, allowing you to improve your overall language skills.

  • Immediate Feedback and Correction

English learning apps provide immediate feedback and correction, allowing you to quickly identify and correct mistakes. This is particularly useful for practicing speaking and writing skills. The apps also provide tips and suggestions to help you improve, so you can make steady progress towards your goals.

  • Gamification

Many English learning apps use gamification to keep learners engaged and motivated. This means that learning English is turned into a game, with points, rewards, and progress tracking. This makes learning English more fun and enjoyable, and helps to keep learners motivated and engaged in their studies.

In conclusion, using an English learning app to improve your English offers many benefits, including convenience and flexibility, personalized learning, interactive and engaging materials, cost-effectiveness, access to a wide range of learning materials, immediate feedback and correction, and gamification. Whether you are a beginner or want to become a proficient English speaker, there are many English learning apps available online where you can practice speaking in English anytime, anywhere.


Best English Learning Apps to Practice Speaking in English


Best English Learning Apps to Practice Speaking in English
Best English Learning Apps to Practice Speaking in English

Learning a language gets easier when you find your practice partner. But what if you don’t get your practice partner to improve the fluency of the language? And what if I tell you that you can even get practice partners over your phone? 

Yes, you surely can. 

If you are a beginner or just a basic English learner and want to improve your Spoken English then this article is going to help you a lot with your practice. 

Here are a few apps that are best for your English practice: 

  • Duolingo- 

When it comes to learning a new language, may it be the English language or any other, Duolingo is the best to recommend and start the practice. Indeed Duolingo is one the best language learning app even in terms of technology. The app is designed for all types of learners right from the basic to advanced. The app has numerous sets of tasks to complete along with the awarded coins and ranks. The app’s algorithm is set such that it will keep on reminding you to complete a level to learn the language. And it is probably the best part that keeps on reminding you to complete your goal. It gives you tasks or levels related to grammar, and vocabulary and also gives you spoken English questions to improve your fluency and accent.  

  • English conversation or speaking English

This app has around 200 English conversations and videos to practice. It has numerous quizzes to test users’ understanding and increase their language commands. Users on this app get to practice their spoken English. The app has various sessions for listening, practicing, and speaking. The listening sessions are majorly designed to improve the listening skills of the users. And the best part about the app is that it tracks the user’s progress and gives proper feedback to them in order to improve the language. 

  • Hellotalk 

Hellotalk is a very high-rated English learning app. The users on this app can even post audio messages or clips and get relevant feedback on the same from the native speakers. This app inbuilt grammar predictions function which makes the users more confident while chatting. This app is also one of the most recommended English learning apps. 

If you know English well but are not a fluent English speaker then this is the perfect app for you to practice your spoken English. EngVarta with more than a million downloads and a rating of 4.3 is coming up like a rising star among the other online English learning apps. EngVarta is an English learning app that connects learners with live English experts who work very hard to improve their fluency and accent. EngVarta gives a one on one live English classes over phone calls and is also planning to launch video call features for the users. Isn’t it amazing? You will get your practice partner on your phone itself. Try EngVarta for your practice and mark an excellent improvement in the language. 

  • Cake

Yes, you read that right !! As the name suggests, learning English is like a piece of cake through this app. You will get numerous videos and sessions to complete and improve your English accent. The users also get to record their voices and practice their English Speaking. The app will also provide the users with many informative videos to learn from. 


  • Knudge me

Knudge me is a powerful app to practice English speaking. Based on the scientific algorithm. Users through this app can find a lot of flashcards and quizzes for better learning of their language. It is designed by the algorithm that suggests the users revise the word and gives such recommendations throughout the sessions. 

Above all the apps mentioned here are the English practice apps that can boost your fluency and can mark excellent growth in the same. Hope you will be soon a fluent English speaker. Just take a step towards your goal of learning through any of these apps and master the app. 

Wish you all a very happy learning.   

Best English Learning Apps to Learn Spoken English


best english apps to learn spoken english
best English apps to learn spoken English


Learning a new language is an ongoing trend these days and living in such a globally diverse world it is quite amazing to learn a new language as a skill. In today’s globally diverse world, English has become the global language and is spoken in almost every area of the world, therefore learning it has become rather widespread.

However, learning English has become a challenge for many. To be able to find the right environment to practice in with the right teacher can be a tough task. People often opt for 30-day English learning classes to learn the language but what if I tell you that there are various English learning apps available as well that provide you with a similar type of service? 

English learning Apps that not only help you improve your English over time, but also allow you to utilise their services without having to leave your house.

There are various English learning apps available online that you can use and improve your English over time but in this blog, I will be listing a few top English learning apps that will eventually help you improve your English speaking skills

Best English Learning Apps to Learn Spoken English


The first English learning app in the list is Engvarta, it is one of the best online English learning applications that allow users to have a one-on-one interaction with an expert over the phone. There is no real-world connection whatsoever, all you have to do is make a call to an expert and start with your practice.

The best part about this English learning app is that the user as well as the expert get to stay anonymous throughout the session therefore the fear of being judged is completely out of the window. You can easily select a nickname for yourself and start with the practice. 

Furthermore, this English learning app allows you to use all of their services at your leisure, in the comfort of your own home, without having to move a muscle. In the midst of their hectic routine, users can quickly contact the English speaking experts via phone calls and practice their English.

This English learning app also provides you with a vocabulary series on a daily basis which is absolutely free. Users can easily avail this feature of Engvarta by simply registering on the app and will receive daily vocabulary updates in their Email. 

In simple words, EngVarta is a sure-shot solution to all your problems related to English communication. EngVarta will surely assist you in reaching your aim of becoming fluent in English communication.


Duolingo is also a quite famous English learning app available online. This English learning app not only helps in learning English but also provides several other languages like Korean, Spanish, German and many more. Duolingo exercises are designed to help users effectively learn new words and vocabulary.

It uses game-like lessons to help you learn new English words, phrases, and grammar. Duolingo is a language learning program that teaches you grammar, spelling, words, phrases, and conversational English. The methodology of this English learning app is mostly based on phrase memorization. This means that students will most likely need to use different approaches to understand the structure of English.


Memrise is an English learning app that will help you get started with some English courses especially if you are a beginner or want to enhance your English. Their user-friendly language learning method is intended to make the practice enjoyable, simple, and addictive. 

Memrise creates English lessons for beginners and focuses on getting people to communicate in English as soon as possible. It provides you with the necessary speaking practice. Memrise’s English learning app basic English course divides learning into short sessions that you complete every day, allowing you to always find time for practice at home or on the move.


Babbel is an English learning app that strongly focuses on vocabulary and grammar. It also emphasizes assisting English language learners in developing basic conversational skills. Babbel also provides the feature of completing and repeating sentences which helps in learning a new language. 

The English learning app also allows users to set goals and benchmarks for themselves to track their performance and stay motivated. Babbel believes in a practical approach to learning and focuses on four approaches i.e. sound recognition, image recognition, spelling, and fill-in-the-blanks. There’s also a useful flashcard feature for memorizing sentences and terms from previous lessons.


Busuu is one of the Spoken English learning app that is recommended for beginners trying to learn English. The software mixes human and AI-powered instructions to help you learn a language faster. Busuu covers all the basic fundamentals of learning a new language i.e. reading, writing, speaking, and listening, and provides a well-rounded approach. 

Busuu, English learning app allows you to create your own study schedule and even provides you with reminders to get back to practice. There is also a forum where you can discover language exchange partners. Overall it is a great English learning app to start learning English if you are a beginner. 

Lingo Deer

LingoDeer is an interactive English Learning app that has systematic software. In this English learning app, Users can practice English at their own pace and according to their own ability. The classes and exercises focus on the reading, writing, and listening part which eventually helps enhance communication skills. Lingo deer provides a well-organized set of exercises and topics that will eventually help users in improving their language day by day. Also apart from English the English learning app included various other European and Asian languages as well.  

So yeah! That’s it. These are a few best English learning apps that you can turn to in order to improve your spoken English while sitting at home. 

If you are an Indian and looking for some best Indian English learning apps – Check the list of Best English Learning apps in India 2022

5 Best English Learning Apps for Indians to Improve Spoken English


English learning apps for Indians
English learning apps for Indians



Is there something you are terrible at, but you still love doing it anyway?

Suppose, if I say, you love to dance, but you are not a good dancer. So, will you stop dancing or will you learn that skill?

Obviously you will learn how to dance!

Similar is the case with speaking in English. Just like dance is a skill and cannot be perfected without proper practice. Learning to speak English is a skill in itself. You need to invest your valuable time to get better at it.

Learning English involves consistent practice and a great desire to learn and improve!

Google can help you to find the answers and give you search results on “ Top 5 English Learning apps to improve English” or “ Top 5 ways to improve English”, but implementing it is your job. 

Don’t worry! If you have made up your mind to improve your English speaking skills – This article will not only list the names of some English learning apps using which you can improve your spoken English but also give you enough reasons to motivate you to improve your English using English Learning Apps. 

But, before that let us understand –


I believe that you don’t need a reason to learn any skill in the world. This language is fascinating and you want to speak it fluently. You already have enough reasons.

 But to emphasize its importance, I can give you 4 reasons why you should learn spoken English- 

  • A global language. 

Not everybody in the world speaks Hindi or French. We need a language that helps us connect with each other. The most important point to consider is – English is the most widely spoken and understood language. Imagine yourself in a country where no one understands your native language – English can save you there. Imagine you need to deliver a presentation to an international client – English can help you there. Imagine going on a date or with a group of friends. English can help you to participate in conversations. 

English is definitely not a measure of intelligence, but it does add an essence of confidence to your life. 

  • Study Abroad 

Do you want to fly abroad for your higher education or job? 

Well! Then lemme tell you some countries demand English proficiency tests to check your level of English to make sure that you accept English as they do. Also, you must learn to speak English at an intermediate level to build relations with your new friends. 

  • Job Promotion 

It’s a hard truth that English has become crucial in almost every sector. You are expected to speak English no matter what job profile you are in. Not only that, if you are fluent in English, your fluent English can give you better and bigger opportunities. 

  • Travel 

English can help you make everlasting friends around the world when you are traveling. I won’t exaggerate when I say that it can help you communicate with other travelers, learn about new cultures and help you enjoy a great sense of independence. You will be able to order food, ask for directions and talk to anyone without any language barriers. 

Now that you are convinced, and have made up your mind to improve your English, the question is – 


My answer is – With the help of English Learning Apps. English learning apps are really convenient and handy sources for learning English. These English Learning apps not only help you to improve your grammar or build your vocabulary but also connect you with an English-speaking partner or a mentor. If you are a serious learner and strongly want to improve your English – you can pick any one of these English practice apps and start your practice from today! 

Here we go! 

List of Best English Learning Apps in India 


  • EngVarta – English Speaking Practice App for Indians

(Android, iPhone)


Are you looking for a mentor who can improve your English and correct your mistakes? 

Or, do you want to improve your English conversation skills? 

Engvarta is an English Learning App that helps you to connect with Live English Experts over phone calls and helps you speak English just like you speak to people in real life. In this English learning app, you can pick up any topic of your choice and start speaking to the experts. You may also improve yours according to your desired goals.

Goals such as – 

  1. Preparing Interview questions 
  2. Improving English for IELTS. 
  3. Learning Public Speaking. 

Besides, you also get vocabulary delivered on a daily basis and English grammar lessons on YouTube channels. 

90% of the English learners on the EngVarta app are Indians which makes it trustworthy and reliable to use if you are an Indian. 

I would probably rate the EngVarta app as one of the best English learning apps for Indians if you want to practice spoken English daily. 

Rating – 4.3/5


  1. Duolingo – Fun English App

(Android, iPhone, iPad)


You must be familiar with this English Learning app. If you are a beginner who has just started to learn English, I highly recommend you to use Duolingo. It just doesn’t offer one language, but can help you learn 18 different languages. 

Using the Duolingo app is more like using a fun English learning app! 

The gamified learning system of this English learning app and the tailored exercises can help you to learn new vocabulary and learn new words. The Duolingo leadership channel can help you to compete with other learners and enable you to unlock the levels and earn coins.  

Sounds thrilling right? 

Rating – 4.7/5


  1. Memrise – Language Learning App

(Android, iPhone)


Memrise language learning system is designed in such a way that it makes English learning fun and addictive. Indians have found this English learning app more useful and have generously rated it quite well.

Memrise also offers other languages like Spanish, German, and French. The basic English course combines practical vocabulary, grammar lessons, and phrases so that you can use them in your daily conversation. The feature of “Learn with locals” in this English learning app makes it more impactful and beneficial for learners who understand Indian English accents. 

Among all the English learning apps, Memrise stands out for its unique approach. 

Rating: 4.6/5


  • Hello Talk – English Learning App to Get English Speaking Partners

(Android, iPhone)

Hello Talk
Hello Talk

Hello Talk is an ideal English Conversation Practice App that serves one purpose – It connects you directly with native speakers and provides an interface to test and speak through your smartphone. Hello Talk also provides the translation feature which is a paid aspect of this English Learning app. 

The basic concept of this English learning app is to connect learners from all over the world and help them meet and grow together to improve their English speaking skills. 

Rating: 4.3/5


  • Babbel – App for English speaking

(Android, iPhone, iPad)


Do you want to improve your vocabulary? I recommend you Babbel. You will be given a sentence that you will have to complete. The lessons are categorized on the basis of difficulty level. Babble uses a custom goals system and helps you track your progress. 

You can learn using these four approaches – Sound Recognition, Picture Recognition, Spelling, and Fill in the blanks. 

Download this English Learning app if you want to improve your vocabulary! 

Rating: 4.5/5

So, these were all about the English learning apps that I would recommend for Indians to improve their English. 

List of 10 Best English Learning Apps that can help you improve English and boost your confidence 

Besides above English learning apps, here are some other English learning apps that can help you improve English –

  • ENGVARTA – Best English Learning app for android
  • DUOLINGO – Fun English learning app for learning languages
  • Memrise – English learning app for all
  • Hello Talk
  • Babbel – App for English speaking
  • Hello English – English learning app for daily practice
  • English Conversation practice
  • Fluentu
  • Bussu – English learning App For Writing English
  • Enguru English learning app

These friendly English Learning apps can be a great way to start learning and start practicing spoken English from today itself! I highly recommend these best English learning apps for learning English or brushing up your existing language skills. All you have to do is just download your favorite English learning app on your phone now and begin your journey of language learning!

Let me know in the comment your favorite English learning app. Also don’t forget to mention if you have any other recommendations or if you have already used any English learning app before! 

Benefits of English Learning apps – Are English learning App Effective and Useful?


Are English learning apps effective
Are English learning apps effective

English Learning apps have been considered to be one of the most effective tools for learning English from around any corner of the world. Replacing the traditional method of learning any language by App based learning has been a revolutionary change and has been quite a trend.

However, many people are often skeptical about how these English learning apps and cutting edge technology could help people in learning a new language.

Hundreds of mobile applications, whether free or paid, make people think twice about how these English learning apps can help them to learn a language that was once could only be traditionally learned.

This brings us to the question that – Are English learning apps really helpful?

Honestly Speaking , your phone can be your best learning buddy. People often give up the dream of learning English due to unavailability of the right time or the right mentor or learning resources. Learning becomes more challenging when you are learning a new tongue and you fear being judged by the mistakes you make. But the customized English learning app has undoubtedly made life easier.

Here are some points where research shows that English Learning apps can be really impactful and can help a lot to improve your language proficiency.

Let’s have a look at benefits of English Learning Apps

1. Learn English from anywhere using English learning App


Do you wanna learn English while travelling?
You want to practice speaking in English during the 15 minutes recess of your office hours?

Well ! English Learning apps have made this possible apparently. Gone are the days when we had to travel miles to attend our English learning classes. This smart learning method has made life convenient for language learners. You can learn to speak English from the very comfort of your home. And this is not something to be surprised about. You don’t have to adjust your day or run away anywhere to learn English. You have your hands on the device and Voila ! You’re all set. You can start your English practice then and there.

2. Save your time by using English learning App


Do you wish to practice English before sleep?

Or, are you an early bird who wishes to improve English during morning hours?

English Learning apps can be your companion!

English is not a subject to learn. Rather it is a life skill that can be acquired anytime regardless of what your age is. But this becomes challenging when working people & homemakers find it hard to spare time to focus on their language skill. It is this time when English learning apps come into the picture. Using these English learning apps, you can practice English anytime of the day. There is no need for rigid timetabling just like the old school method.

So you see, English learning apps are a brilliant way to save your time indeed !

3. With English learning app you can study at your own pace


Isn’t it true that everyone has their own pace of learning?

It is a matter of fact that learning is a process. In this process, one might learn to speak in English in just a few months whereas the other might take a year’s time. And it is not just true for English but any other skill that you wish to acquire.

During the whole journey, you need a mentor who can patiently help and guide you throughout. English learning apps are so diversified that people from different backgrounds and all over the world can enroll themselves.

These English learning apps also provide 1 on 1 sessions where you don’t have to feel nervous about your mistakes. You can just be ‘YOU’ and openly discuss your weaknesses and strengths in that particular language. In these English learning apps, you get your own space and move at your own pace instead of juggling among the crowd.

4. Personalized learning


English learning apps provide a personalized learning experience of learning vocabulary, idioms, listening, reading, speaking and writing.

Learning becomes more effective and productive when ‘It is made for you’. Many English learning apps personalize the course according to the past data.

Mobile technology provides well defined, crisp resources that are just for you. According to your present level of English, these English learning apps build a customized learning environment.

It involves sustained language learning especially when it comes to practicing spoken English. Personalized learning provided a platform which is something beyond the walls of classwork. It prepares you for the real world.

5. Enjoy the learning process.


You need to agree when I say, Freedom to learn anytime at one’s own pace with personalized resources makes the entire process easier and convenient. When something is easy, you automatically start enjoying it. And when you start enjoying it, you learn better and put in more effort.

One of the most remarkable changes of the 21 century is learning through gamification. If you have ever used any apps, you must have seen how they test you using different game based quizzes, videos, visuals and sounds. This keeps learners engaged and engrossed in learning English. The game based explanations of different topics gives learners a wider range of scope to practice this new lingo.

Considering all the positive perspectives, it’s undoubtedly one of the best ways to learn any language. It can be one of the best substitutes for learning English language.

The challenge is choosing the right English learning app for you to practice English. So, here is the list of English learning applications that can help you to practice English.

(All these English learning apps are available for iOS and Android )

EngVarta – Best English learning app for practicing spoken English










EngVarta is a user-friendly English learning app that provides a one-on-one English speaking practice platform. It is not like a regular classroom session but a platform that prepares you for the real world. The sole purpose of this English learning app is to work on your English speaking skills. On a tap of the ‘Connect to Expert’ button, you can interact with English Experts who will help you to speak in English by correcting your mistakes. EngVarta app helps to build up confidence to speak English and achieve your desired goals (e.g acing an interview or delivering public speaking in English ) .

Duolingo – Fun based English learning app










Duolingo is one of the trendy English learning apps where learning a language is fun. It offers various lessons with brilliant audio and visual effects. Along with lessons, it imparts flashcard, exercises and in- depth multiple choice exercises that helps boost your language skills bitesize

This activity based English learning app provides a platform to practice pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary on a daily basis.

Hello Talk – Learn by chatting


hello talk
hello talk








Hello Talk is an English learning app that helps you to connect with native English speakers and chat with them for free. The innovative tools in the English learning app help you improve your English effortlessly. You can connect yourself to individual members or join group chats for a collective experience.

Fluent u – Real world English videos



Fluent u brings English videos based on real life scenarios and conversations with interactive subtitles. Videos based on commercials, music, movies, comedy, motivational and much more. Along with these videos, you also have access to quizzes that will make learning more effective.

If you are a learner who listens and learns, this English learning app can be your best learning buddy.

Google Translate


Google translate
Google translate








You may have heard the name of this popular language translator app. This multilingual translation app helps in converting any text, documents and websites from one language to another. If you want to know the English word of any word or learn English words by translating it from your native native language to English, then this English learning app can be beneficial for you.

The above-mentioned English learning apps are among the best apps that are highly recommended for you to improve your English speaking. Read our article on : Best English Learning App in India 2021 to get a in-depth list of the best English learning apps that can help you improve your English.

I hope this article will help you to justify whether you should or not install an English learning app to improve your English skills.

English Learning App : How to learn to speak English in Non-English Environment


How to learn English in Non-English environment
How to learn English in Non-English environment

I don’t have an Environment to speak in English – A Problem shared by almost every English learner.

In this article we will help you with ways you can build an English speaking environment for yourself at home.

But before we jump to a solution, let’s understand if this solution will work for you.

There are two kinds of people :

  • Who have partner or friends speaking in English around them but that environment isn’t helping them because :

The people around them judge them for their mistakes and they are at a position in their career where they can’t afford to make mistakes while speaking in English. So essentially there is an environment but it’s a fear induced environment where you cannot be yourself while speaking – you cannot afford to make mistakes cause it’s your professional work environment & your reputation is at stake. Therefore, speaking proper English is important for your career

  • Who come from a non English background ( e.g. from a village, studied in regional board )

They struggle to find people who can talk in English on a day to day basis – they are more excited to have conversations in English; but there is no one around them to talk in English with them and offer them guidance. These people, when they graduate and join a company there as well, have some opportunity to converse in English but then again peer pressure of getting judged for mistakes ruins their dream to speak in English.

So what we notice here is that people speaking in English around you does not mean that it’s a favorable environment for you to learn and grow.

For growth and learning you need an environment where you’re comfortable to make mistakes and learn and receive feedback without any feeling of being judged.

There are two ways you can build that kind of environment for yourself :

  • Community solution 
    1. In this approach you can make a group of friends ( about 2 to 4 people ) who are excited to speak in English. 
    2. Practice with each other on a daily basis.
    3. You can do activities like debate, book reading, presentation or regular day to day conversation.
    4. Keep a window of 1 hour conversation daily in a group of 4 friends where each of you gets the opportunity to speak for about 15 mins.
    5. Offer each other constructive feedback about mistakes.

Pros : of this method is that it’s totally free.

Cons : Since you all are struggling to improve English – there are chances you are not able to catch all the mistakes for each other and hence you might start speaking wrong English with the idea in your head that it sounds right. ( how fluent English speakers speak fast without translating & knowing it is correct  – the experience of sounds right or wrong is what helps us to speak fluently and that experience comes with listening and speaking.) But don’t worry our next option is something you can choose if the community option does not work for you.

  • Talk with Experts at EngVarta
  1. Engvarta app (English learning app) provides an English speaking environment for you where you practice speaking English 1 on 1 with live English experts over phone calls. These experts of this English learning app are working professionals who have experience of life to guide you on how to communicate in different situations. The Experts will correct your mistakes and help you improve your English communication ( be it grammar, sentence structure or pronunciation ) – These experts can help you achieve your English learning goal like ( Interview practice or IELTS practice ).

Pros :

  1. It’s a totally anonymous platform therefore you don’t have to worry about someone finding out about your English speaking classes.
  2. It works for you when and where you need it. You can plan your speaking session as per your convenience.

3. It prepares you for the real world – here you don’t talk with one person instead with different experts on a daily basis – just like in the real world. EngVarta (English learning app) helps you to get comfortable with English as a language, not with a person. Because it happens a lot of the time you get nervous to speak in English with new people so we take care of that as well.

Cons : 

  1. It’s a Premium English learning app for serious learners. You need to buy a practice plan in this English learning app. Therefore if you’re a working professional or preparing for IELTS or interview – meaning if English is important for your career then this English learning app is highly recommended for you. 

Now beside speaking environment there are other things as well that you may do in order to emerge yourself in English completely :

  1. Listen to English music – (there are some really good artists and singers available – start with Justine Biber pop music collection). I try this activity where I pull up the lyrics of my favorite song and then sing it along with the music. It’s stress relieving and also helps you improve your pronunciation.
  2. Watch Regional language movies with English subtitles – this trick helps you find out how to say those sentences from your native language in English. For example, do you know how to say “Babumoshai, zindagi badi honi chahiye, lambi nahi. “ in English – you would know it if you watch this movie with English subtitles. This trick is good because you’re entertaining yourself while you’re exposing yourself to English as well and your brain is learning along with enjoying the movie.
  3. Watch English news, movies, web series – what it all does is that it helps your brain process English content. So if you’re going to consume English you’re going to deliver English in your communication as well. Listening helps your brain learn about sentence structure and pronunciation but you have to practice as well. Try this activity – when watching your favorite show in English – turn on subtitles and repeat the dialog as they happen ( do it alone – otherwise you will be kicked out of the watch party! ). 
  4. If you’re a fan of reading – then you can read but if you’re into books then you can skip it as well. It’s not super important as long as you’re doing other activities like listening & watching English content. However reading has its own benefits – one of them is improving your imagination.
  5. Take help of English Learning App: There are a number of English learning apps available you can download on your computer or smartphone that can help you to understand English and also practice speaking in English. Whether you are at the office, college, at home or in another place, you can practice speaking English. An English learning app can really be your best English practice partner.
  6. This ones free – no need for a phone or friend you can do it yourself without any effort. We all do a lot of self talking and right now you’re probably doing it in your mother tongue? Can you do it in English – Yes, but is it going to be easy, NO – however I believe you can do it. Just try, it will be annoying at first but soon you will start enjoying it & English will become your default language for self-talk.

There are countless other pieces of advice but I wouldn’t throw more advice your way to confuse you – just remember – English is  language – Enjoy it. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. And believe in baby steps – that’s how you grow!

Just remember – If you have a smartphone, good internet connection and a great English learning app, then you can improve your English pronunciation and English conversation skills no matter where you live.

To make your English learning journey easier – we have listed some of the best English learning apps that can help you improve English –

  • ENGVARTA – Best English Learning app for android
  • DUOLINGO – Fun English learning app for learning languages
  • Memrise – English learning app for all
  • Bussu – English learning App For Writing English
  • BBC Learning English
  • Hello English – English learning app for daily practice
  • English Conversation practice
  • Fluentu English learning app
  • Babbel – English learning app
  • Enguru English learning app


P.S. – Are you serious about your Spoken English speaking skills?

Download the EngVarta app now. It is the best English learning app in India.


EngVarta android appEngvarta iOS app

Top 5 English Learning App for Learning English in 2022


english learning app
english learning app

Do you know who can be your best English learning buddy in 2022? – Your phone!

Makes sense right ?

In this era of technology, it has become really convenient to learn English sitting at the comfort of your home. Not only home, but anywhere – while travelling or at a coffee shop. 

Learning English is not just about learning grammar rules online but also finding an English speaking partner or finding other ways where an English learner can create an environment of practicing around themselves. 

But the challenge is – there are thousands of English learning apps available on the internet, but you need to go for the best English learning app . An English learning app that actually gives you results & helps you to achieve your English learning goals.

So here are top 5 English learning apps in 2022 that are highly recommended to all English learners to improve their English speaking skills. 

Note: Some suggested English learning app 2022 are free whereas some are paid (purely on the quality of services that you’ll be getting). Also, these applications are not time bound & they are user friendly. You can use these English learning apps anytime & anywhere according to your time availability.

Also, at the end there’s a list of other English Learning apps that can help you to speak, listen and write better English. 

To make your life easier, here we begin – 

  • EngVarta – English Learning App 2022 to practice English with live English Expert

If you are looking for a serious English learning app or English conversation practice platform that can help you to do your daily English practice, then this English learning app is for you.

 Here are some reasons why you should go for this English learning app –

  1. If you want an English Expert who can give you the right guidance to improve your English.
  2. If you want to crack an interview, but your English conversation is a stumbling block.
  3. If you want to deliver smooth and exceptional public speaking or presentation in English. 
  4. If you want to travel the world & have a strong command over English. 


These are some of the goals that EngVarta English learning app will help you to achieve. 

How does it work ?

EngVarta app helps you connect with live English Experts over a phone call. This user-friendly English learning app can help you to find a mentor with whom you have English conversation daily. After each call, there will be a rise in self confidence & a ray of improvement. English Experts will correct all your mistakes as you keep on speaking. They will help you to push you out of your comfort zone & accept English as if it is your own native language. 

This English learning app is anonymous and you don’t need to disclose your name.

It can be your secret English classes that can help you to improve your English each day!


  1. Duolingo – Free Language Education app 

Duolingo is one of the trendy English learning app where you can learn multiple different languages along with English. Duolingo offers knowledge branches of English lessons that use listening exercises, flashcards & multiple choice questions to give an in-depth boost of words, phrases & sentences.  Duolingo also has a feature that is called Learn with Locals that helps in linking English words with videos of native speakers – pronouncing the words out loud and also demonstrating them. 

Duolingo is completely based on activity based learning.

Who should use Duolingo ?

Every English learner ( irrespective of their English proficiency ) can install Duolingo to enhance their vocabulary  & test themselves daily. 

 However, learners who want to improve their English speaking skills need to go for an English learning app that is a conversation platform and you are able to speak to real world English speakers. 


  1. English Conversation Practice App – English Learning App for listening & Speaking
English conversation practice app
English conversation practice app

English Conversation Practice App does what its name says. This English learning app is for those learners who want to practice English conversation. Here you don’t find any live English speaking partner, but still this user – friendly, fun English learning app can help you improve your pronunciation and practice English according to different real life situations.

How does it work?

There are three important steps involved – 

  1. Listen 
  2. Understand
  3. Practice

First, you choose the category and select a topic from the sub topics (different real life situations). There is a short quiz for you to understand and the third step is to listen to the conversation and record your own by practicing the conversation. By practicing one lesson everyday you can improve your speaking skills. 

English conversation practice app is more about listening & learning English.


  • Fluent U – Real world English Videos

Fluent U is an English learning app where you can practice by using real world videos and interactive subtitles. You won’t get other grammar lesson videos but real life conversations videos like commercials, music , interviews, comedy, speech and much more. Quizzes accompany these videos where you can test yourself and practice English that you watch and listen to in those videos. 

If you are someone who spends a lot of time on Youtube, this can be a best alternative to watch videos that you take interest in as well as improve your English.

Fluent U is also a user-friendly English learning app that can help you to improve your English on a regular basis. 


  • Hi Native – Q & A platform for English learners 

This English learning app is quite different from the other English learning apps. You have a community of English learners here who are ever ready to help you with pronunciation, vocabulary and even translations. You can also ask the people to correct a text that you have written. It is more  like a query solving English learning app that can be used anytime and anywhere to solve your doubts related to English. In short, Hi native is a global Q & A platform for all English learners. 


List of 10 English Learning Apps 2022 for Android that can help you improve English and boost your confidence 

Besides these English learning apps, here are some other English learning apps that can help you improve English –

  • ENGVARTA – Best English Learning app for android
  • DUOLINGO – Fun English learning app for learning languages
  • Memrise – English learning app for all
  • Bussu – English learning App For Writing English
  • BBC Learning English
  • Hello English – English learning app for daily practice
  • English Conversation practice
  • Fluentu
  • Babbel – App for English Speaking
  • Enguru English learning app


List of 10 English Learning Apps 2022 for iOS that can help you in speaking English fluently and confidently

If you are really interested in learning English, then check out the below list of best English learning apps for iOS 2021 that you can use to improve your English pronunciation and English speaking skills.

  • EngVarta – best English learning app for iOS
  • Mondly – English learning app for android and iOS
  • Go Talk – English learning app for learning English
  • FluentU – This English learning app uses videos to help you learn English
  • Duolingo – Most popular English learning app for iPhone and iPad
  • Memrise – English learning app that helps you learn multiple languages
  • Tandem – Best English learning app for iPhone and iPad
  • Google Translate – English learning app to improve overall English
  • Babbel – English speaking and English learning app
  • Speak English App

Improving English Conversation is sometimes considered to be impossible. But that’s not true. Something that is extremely important for you to improve your English is consistency and time dedication. You need to engage yourself in this language and keep on practicing it till you become confident enough to speak English in any situation you come across.  And these user-friendly and helpful English learning apps can act as a catalyst to your English speaking journey. 

Let us know which is your favorite English learning app in the comment below.