50 Superb A – Z words to use during English conversation


words to use during English conversation
words to use during English conversation

Are you bored of your limited jargon and want to sound more interesting ( just like native English speaker)?

English Conversation becomes more engaging when your words are unique & fun. And if you are looking for some words that can make you a better English speaker, you’ve landed up at the right spot. 

Stop being afraid of using new vocabulary while speaking in English. All it takes is more practice and less memorization.

Are you ready?

Let’s begin –

  • ABSOLUTE ( AB suh Loot)

Meaning – Perfect, unlimited, total

Example  – An absolute leader is one who makes wise decisions. 


  • ABSTRACT  ( AB strakt) 

Meaning –  Theoretical, impersonal 

Example – To like something in the abstract is to like the idea of it.


  • AMORAL ( ay MAWR ul)

Meaning – lacking a sense of right & wrong.

Example  – A moral person does right ; an immoral person always does wrong ; an amoral person simply does.


  • BELITTLE ( bi LIT ul ) 

Meaning – to make it seem little. To put someone down

Example – The chairman’s belittling comments made everyone feel someone.


  • BANAL ( buh NAL, BANE,ul)

Meaning – unoriginal, ordinary 

Example – The dinner conversation was so banal that I fell asleep in the dessert dish.


  • BLITHE ( blythe) 

Meaning – Carefree, cheerful 

Example – The blithe birds in the garden were chirping so much that I began to wish I was a bird. 


  • CANDOR ( KAN dur )

Meaning – truthfulness, sincere honesty 

Example – I always appreciate the CANDOR behaviour of my friends.


  • CHARISMA ( kuh RIZ muh)

Meaning – a magical – seeming ability to attract followers or inspire loyalty.

Example – To have charisma is to be charismatic.


  • CIVIL ( SIV il )

Meaning – Polite, civilized, courteous 

Example – We pretend to be civil in front of our uninvited  guest. 



Meaning – Unconnected, separate, distinct 

Example – The twins were identical, but their personalities were discrete.

( Note : Do not confuse discrete with discreet ) 


  • DUBIOUS ( DOO bee us ) 

Meaning –  full of doubt, uncertain 

Example – I was fairly certain that I would be able to fly if I flap my arms hard enough, but Sam was dubious. 


  • DOCILE ( DOS ul ) 

Meaning – easily taught, obedient, easy to handle )

Example – The baby appeared docile at first, but she was impossible to control once I took her in arms.


  • EDIFY ( ED uh FYE ) 

Meaning – to enlighten, to instruct, especially in moral or religious matters.

Example – The teacher’s goal was to edify her students, not to force a handful of  facts down the throat. 


  • EXALT ( ig ZAWLT )

Meaning – To raise high, to glorify 

Example – Being a Queen must is an exalted occupation,


  • EXULT ( ig ZULT )

Meaning – to rejoice, to celebrate 

Example – I was  exulted by victory in the spell bee competition.


  • FACILE ( FAS il )

Meaning – fluent ; skillful in a superficial way ; easy 

Example – The bank president was a facile speaker. 


  • FATUOUS ( FACH oo us ) 

Meaning – foolish, silly, idiotic 

Example – He is so fatuous that he often confuses desert with dessert. 


  • FLOUT ( flout )

Meaning – to disregard something out of disrespect.

Example – A driver flouts the traffic laws by driving through the red light.


  • GENRE ( ZHAHN ruh ) 

Meaning – a type of category, especially of art or writing. 

Example – The novel has one genre. Poetry is another.


  • GUILE ( gile )

Meaning – cunning, duplicity. Artfulness 

Example – Jose used guile and not intelligence to win the competition.


  • GENTEEL ( jen TEEL ) 

Meaning – polite, aristocratic, affecting refinement. 

Example – I had a genteel life even after belonging to a village. 


  • HAPLESS ( HAP lis)

Meaning – unlucky 

Example – My hapless search for happiness led one disappointment to another. 


  • ILLICIT ( i LIS  it) 

Meaning – not permitted 

Example – Criminals indulge in illicit activities. 


  • IMPECCABLE ( im PEK uh bul )

Meaning – flawless, entirely without sin.

Example – Joe’s clothes were impeccable, even the wrinkles were perfectly creased.


  • IMPOTENT ( IM puh tunt )

Meaning – powerless, helpless

Example – We felt impotent in our face of their overpowering opposition to our plan.


  • INCENSE ( in SENS ) 

Meaning – to make someone very angry.

Example – Jeremy was incense when I told him that he was stupid.


  • INDIFFERENT ( in DIF  ur unt ) 

Meaning – not caring to one another 

Example – Red was indifferent about politics 


  • LAUD (lawd)

Meaning – to praise, to applaud ; to extol ; to celebrate

Example – The teacher lauded the student who saved the classmate from an accident. 


  • MAGNATE (MAG nate)

Meaning – rich, powerful , or a very successful business person. 

Example – When I look at him , I see a future Magnate ready to rule.


  • MEDIATE ( MEE dee ATE )

Meaning –  to help settle differences.

Example – The child always tried to mediate the relations between his parents.


  • MUNDANE ( mun dane )

Meaning – pretty boring, not heavenly or eternal.. 

Example – My days are filled with mundane chores. 


  • NIHILISM ( NYE uh LIZ  um )

Meaning – a belief that there no values & morals in the universe.

Example – An nihilist does not believe in any objective standards of rights.


  • NOVEL ( NOV ul) 

Meaning – new, original.

Example – There’s nothing novel about the author’s latest novel.



Meaning – unknown, hard to understand, dark.

Example – My handwriting is obscure so is my life. 


  • OBTUSE ( ub TOOS )

Meaning – insensitive ; blockhead.

Example – The obtuse student  couldn’t understand the difference between addition and subtraction.


  • PATENT ( PATE unt ) 

Meaning – obvious.

Example – To say that earth is flat is a patent absurdity. 


  • PAUCITY ( PAW si tee )

Meaning – scarcity 

Example – There was a paucity of fresh vegetables after the supermarket. 


  • PERUSE ( puh ROOZ )

Meaning – to read carefully 

Example – The couple perused the contract for many hours.


  • REBUKE ( ri BYOOK )

Meaning – To criticize sharply 

Example – We trembled as the neighbor rebuked us for breaking the pots.


  • SOLVENT ( SOL vent ) 

Meaning – not broke or bankrupt ; able to pay one’s bill.

Example – I never wished to just become solvent ; I want to be a millionaire.


  • SURFEIT ( SUR fit ) 

Meaning – an excess, an excessive amount, overindulging in eating 

Example – Thanksgiving meals are usually surfeit for everyone involved.


  • TOUT ( tout ) 

Meaning – to praise highly , brag about something publicly 

Example – Advertisements  touted the chocolate flavored toothpaste.


  • URBANE ( ur BANE )

Meaning – poised, sophisticated , refined 

Example – The new magazine was too urbane to appeal to the wide audience.


  • VERACITY ( vuh RAS i tee )

Meaning – truthfulness 

Example – The veracity of the janitor is loved by all.


  • Vex ( veks)

Meaning – to confuse, to pester, to annoy.

Example  – My brother vexed me by poking me with the pencil.


  • VIABLE ( VYE uh bul )

Meaning – capable of living, workable 

Example – As soon as I kept the plant in sunlight, I had a hope of it being viable.


  • VITIATE ( VISH  ee ate ) 

Meaning – to make impure, pollute 

Example – Firecrackers vitiate the environment to a great extent.



Meaning – To eat or drink messily 

Example –  Small kids yaffle when it comes to self – eating.


  • Yay – Nay 

Meaning – Empty headed person.

Example – He replies in Yay- Nay made his lose the interview.


  • ZACK 

Meaning – To walk hesitantly 

Example – The way she zacked proved that she was unwell. 


These are the 50 amazing words from our books of vocabulary. However, if you want to continue this journey of learning English, EngVarta (English learning app) brings to you its vocabulary series


Once you subscribe to the vocabulary series, you will receive three words each day with its meaning in your mail account. All it will cost you is effort and the urge to learn something new.


To speak excellent English, you need to have excellent vocabulary. So, continue learning new words and use them in your daily English conversation.

Commonly Used Telephone Phrasal Verbs in English

There are certain telephone phrasal verbs that you should be aware of if you want to communicate well in English over the phone. 

Let’s have a look at commonly used telephone phrasal verbs used in telephone conversation in English.

Telephone Phrasal Verbs
Telephone Phrasal Verbs

Do you know more phrasal verbs or telephone phrases? Let us know in the comments section below.

Happy Learning!

Ways to Congratulate Someone in English

When something good happens to your friends or family members, what will you do to express your happiness? Of Course the first thing that you will do is congratulate them.

But do you know there are many different ways to congratulate someone. Learn these synonyms for congratulations to increase your vocabulary and improve your communication skills.

ways to say congrats
ways to say congrats
ways to say congrats

Easy and Effective Ways to Learn English Fast

Easy and Effective Ways to Learn English Fast
Easy and Effective Ways to Learn English Fast

Easy and Effective Ways to Learn English Fast with English Learning App

Humans are learners. We begin our stint with learning the very day we come into the world and keep learning, consciously or unconsciously, till the day we bid an adieu to the world.
Learning is a constant process. From learning how to walk and talk to learning a new skill; our life revolves around the endless process of learning. At the end of the day, learning makes us what we are.

Easy ways to acquire a new skill

Once Mortimer Adler famously said, “The purpose of learning is growth, and our minds, unlike our bodies, can continue growing as we continue to live.”

Learning nourishes our mind and soul. And, hence, to keep learning should be our sole purpose in our lives. Whether you are a teenager or an adult in your mid-fifty, you should never say no to learning. If you think learning is a hard process, let me share with you some easy and very effective ways to learn a new skill.

  • Dedicate some time in learning English every day with English learning App

First and foremost, you need to be a regular when it comes to learning a new skill. You need to dedicate at least some time every day in practice.

I am not asking you to spend 3 to 4 hours of your day into learning. On the contrary, efficient learning demands only 30 to 50 minutes. According to some studies, giving 30 minutes to learning something is the most efficient way of learning. And, your learning time should not exceed 50 minutes in one shot.

Just dedicate 30 to 50 minutes every day and you will be the master of a new skill.

  • Handwritten notes are the best

Whether you are learning a new language or music, you would need to attend a few lectures before moving on to the practical. Here, the old-school handwritten notes can accelerate your learning process.

In modern times, every learner uses a laptop or English learning apps to take the notes. This is an easy way but not the effective one.

According to a study, taking notes using paper and pen can make your learning very efficient.

  • Learn-Space-Repeat

Repeating whatever you learn is important but you must also consider the time interval between learning and repeating.

Do not repeat what you learn in very short intervals. At least give the second round a week’s time. Repeating lessons in rapid successions do not let your brain to retain the information for a longer duration of time.

  • Pretend like you are teaching someone

This is a fun method to develop a new skill efficiently. Pretending like you are teaching someone can help you accelerate the speed of learning and remembering.

When you prepare to teach, you naturally acquire teaching strategies like organizing information and highlighting key points. These strategies help you to learn faster.

  • Find out different ways to learn

Changing the ways of practicing the motor skills help you to learn faster. Change your learning ways in every session to ensure a better performance.

There are many studies to back this effective learning strategy.

How to learn a new language?

Learning a new language always adds credit to your profile. Hence, you must always try to learn as many languages as possible. Starting at an early age is the best idea but adults can also learn the language fast.

Here are a few tips to learn a new language:


Whether you are learning English, Spanish or French, the best way to develop fluency is to connect with the live English experts using the best English learning app.

I have seen people spending all their time learning new words and correcting their grammar. But gaining English speaking skill is important too. The more you speak, the better you get and speaking with live English experts using English learning app is the best way to do so.

This will keep you motivated. There are many websites and English learning apps that connect you the live English experts. You can spend some time with them every day and refine your English speaking skills.

  • Study every day

Investing a couple of hours daily in the language you intend to learn will help you learn quickly and very efficiently. If you give long breaks in between the study sessions, you might forget your previous lessons bringing you back to square one. So, in order to learn and remember the language, you need to spend some hours regularly on practicing the language in English learning App.

  • Carry a dictionary

Keep a dictionary handy so that whenever you get time, you can read some new words. Also, if you come across a new word in the language you are learning, you can rummage through the dictionary and get the meaning. Plus, you will always remember the word.

You can take help from the latest technology. Download a dictionary app and English learning app and learn on the go. There are various best English learning apps available on app store where you can new words daily and improve your English vocabulary.

  • Watch movies and sing songs

What we listen and see stays more with us than what we read and hence, it is always advisable to use media as a tool to learn a new language.

You can watch movies and listen to the music in that particular language. Download podcasts in that language. This will help you in improving your English listening with clips from series, movies and songs available in English learning apps.

  • Read and write

Once you get acquainted with the basic grammar and words, you can begin reading novels.  Start with books that have readable sentences and easy vocabulary. You can start with reading kids’ storybooks and then graduate to the books that have a rich vocabulary. Make it a habit to read a newspaper daily.

Also, make notes in that language. This will help you remember the words and sentences. With English learning apps you can practice reading, writing, listening and speaking English.

How to learn English?

Like every other language, learning English also demands hard work, time, patience, and dedication. Learning English is comparatively easier than other languages as we keep hearing it in our day to day lives.

If you want to learn English and are totally unaware of the basics, you can begin it the way children do.

Have you ever heard an American child speak? He makes mistakes but is fluent anyway. You can learn to speak the same way. First and foremost, you need to let go of the fear of making mistakes. Making mistakes is fine as they help us to seek correction. Second, pay attention to fluency more than accuracy. Your focus should be on speaking confidently first and gradually move towards achieving refinement.

Just the way we learned speaking our native language as a child, American children learn speaking English. The stepping stone is exposure. They hear their family converse in English and this introduces them to the words.

Then, after getting an admission in a school, they move towards learning the technicalities of the language they are speaking. They learn characters, words, spelling, etc.

Here are some easy ways to learn English fast:

  • Begin with the basics

If you are totally new to the language, begin with the basics. Start with learning alphabets and new words. Read spellings and basic grammar with the help of English learning app for beginners.

  • Try to speak

Reading and writing are not going to eliminate your fear of speaking English. In order to improve your spoken English, you need to practice speaking English.

Stand in front of the mirror and speak. Loudly read the newspaper. Repeat the dialogues of an English movie. Listen to a song and hum along with the singer.

  • Enhance your vocabulary

Read the dictionary, novels, and literature. Find new words and see their meanings in a dictionary. This will help you improve your vocabulary.

  • Use technology

There are numerous websites and applications that have many courses designed to teach English to non-native speakers. You can use these applications to learn English.

  • Use EngVarta

EngVarta is one of the best English learning app to learn spoken English. This English learning app connects you with live English experts who help you to attain fluency in English. With regular sessions, they help you to speak English with confidence.

If confidence is your only issue, you can take help of EngVarta – English learning app. This is one of the most effective English learning app for you. Iif you understand English and little bit grammar but fear speaking in front of people, EngVarta helps you to deal with that. If you lack confidence in speaking, the speakers at EngVarta will help you to overcome your fears of conversing in English.

This anonymous platform has helped many people in gaining a fluency in English. You can take regular sessions on the phone and polish your skills. You don’t need to carry your laptop everywhere as Engvarta is available for both iOS and Android devices. You just need to install the English learning app on your phone and you are all set to get a command over English.

With these easy ways, you can learn any new language, including English.

For Regular English Practice with Expert: Download EngVarta English learning App
