Top 20 IELTS Speaking Cue Card 2023 Questions

Decode the IELTS Speaking Cue Card 2023 Questions

Here are 20 common IELTS Speaking cue card topics that many candidates talked about in 2023. These topics can give you an idea of what to expect and help you get ready for different types of questions in 2024:     

  1. Talk about trying a new food for the first time.  
  2. Describe a time when you had to use your imagination.  
  3. Talk about reconnecting with an old friend.  
  4. Describe a book you recently read and would recommend.  
  5. Describe a goal you achieved that you set for yourself.  
  6. Talk about a family business you know about.  
  7. Describe an interesting conversation you had with someone.  
  8. Talk about a time when you advised someone.  
  9. Describe a piece of local news that people were interested in.  
  10. Talk about a piece of clothing that someone gave you.  
  11. Describe a time when you looked at the sky (day or night).  
  12. Talk about a good decision someone you know made.  
  13. Describe an important river or lake in your country.  
  14. Talk about someone you think is very open.  
  15. Describe a time when you were stuck in traffic.  
  16. Talk about an electronic device you would like to buy.  
  17. Describe an exciting book you enjoy reading.  
  18. Talk about a time when you were surprised to meet someone.  
  19. Describe an older person you admire.  
  20. Talk about a skill that takes a long time to learn.  

IELTS Speaking Cue Card

These topics cover a wide range of subjects, so they encourage you to think deeply and talk about your experiences, opinions, and dreams. Practicing these IELTS Speaking cue card topics can help you speak more clearly and confidently during the exam.  

The FixoLang app stands as an invaluable tool for candidates aiming to excel in the Speaking section. It provides IELTS Speaking cue cards, live assessments, advanced vocabulary, and personalized feedback to fine-tune your speaking abilities. The FixoLang app is currently available for download on the Play Store and the App Store.

FAQs: Your IELTS Speaking Questions Answered

Does an accent matter when taking the speaking portion of the IELTS exam?

In the IELTS speaking exam, accent matters less than clarity, fluency, and proper pronunciation. Focus on being understood rather than altering your natural accent.

Is it okay to ask the examiner to repeat the question?

Yes, you can ask the examiner to repeat or clarify the question. It’s better to understand the question correctly than to answer inaccurately.

How can I manage my nervousness during the IELTS Speaking test?

Practice under simulated exam conditions with the FixoLang App. Being well-prepared and familiar with the test format can significantly reduce nervousness.

Can using complex vocabulary improve my IELTS Speaking score?

Yes, but clarity is key. Use complex vocabulary correctly and ensure it enhances the clarity and relevance of your response.

How important is pronunciation in the IELTS Speaking test?

Pronunciation is crucial. It can significantly affect your clarity and comprehension. Focus on practicing difficult sounds and intonation patterns.

What strategies can I use to prepare for cue card topics?

Familiarize yourself with common topics, practice speaking for two minutes on each topic, and structure your answers with a clear beginning, middle, and end.

How can I improve my fluency for the IELTS Speaking test?

Practice speaking English daily. Use the FixoLang App for simulated tests and feedback, and immerse yourself in the language through movies, podcasts, and conversations.

Conclusion: Your Path to IELTS Success

With dedicated practice and the right resources like the FixoLang app, mastering the IELTS Speaking cue card questions is within your reach. Focus on improving your fluency, coherence, pronunciation, and grammatical range to express your ideas and achieve your desired score confidently.

IELTS Exam Success: Your Guide to Global Opportunities

IELTS Exam Success: Your Guide to Global Opportunities

The Golden Key to International Dreams

Hey there! Dreaming of studying or working abroad? Then you’ve likely come across the IELTS exam in your research. But what’s the big deal with it, and why is it such a game-changer? Let’s explore the IELTS universe in a fun and engaging way, especially how an innovative FixoLang app can transform your preparation journey.

Understanding the IELTS Exam

What is the IELTS Exam?

The IELTS (International English Language Testing System) is essentially your passport to global opportunities, testing your English skills in listening, reading, writing, and speaking. It’s your chance to show the world you can strut your stuff in English, in any setting.

The Four Pillars: Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking

Picture the IELTS as a four-course meal, each part testing a different aspect of your English prowess. It’s not just about understanding English; it’s about actively using it, whether you’re interpreting complex texts or engaging in lively discussions.

The Importance of the IELTS Exam

A Passport to Global Recognition

This isn’t just any test it’s a universally recognized benchmark of English proficiency. With IELTS under your belt, doors swing open worldwide, from universities to job markets.

Unlocking Doors to Higher Education and Career Opportunities

Aiming for that prestigious university spot or eyeing a career overseas? A solid IELTS score can significantly bolster your applications, serving as proof of your English mastery.

A Stepping Stone for Global Migration

Thinking of setting down roots in a new country? Many immigration processes value your IELTS score, viewing it as a sign of your readiness to integrate into an English-speaking society.

Enhancing Personal and Professional Growth

Beyond the formalities, preparing for the IELTS is an incredible way to sharpen your English skills, boosting both your personal confidence and professional prospects.

IELTS Preparation: Tips and Resources

Introducing FixoLang: Your AI-Powered Coach for IELTS Speaking Practice

When it comes to the speaking part of IELTS, many find it the most daunting. FixoLang, an AI-powered tool, is designed specifically for this challenge. With its real-time scoring, personalized feedback, and a vast library of cue cards, FixoLang is like having a personal coach, available 24/7 to guide your practice.

How Technology Can Boost Your IELTS Preparation

The digital age brings us tools like FixoLang, making prep more interactive and effective. Imagine practicing speaking anytime, anywhere, receiving instant scores, and detailed feedback to polish your grammar, coherence, and vocabulary. This AI-driven approach not only enhances your preparation but also makes it engaging and tailored to your needs.

Navigating the IELTS Exam with the FixoLang App

Features and Benefits of the FixoLang App

FixoLang isn’t just another app; it’s a revolutionary tool that transforms how you prepare for the IELTS speaking section. Its comprehensive cue-card library, instant AI scoring, and around-the-clock availability ensure you can practice efficiently, focusing on areas that need improvement. This level of personalized practice is what sets FixoLang apart, aiming to boost your confidence and band score.

Real Success Stories: How FixoLang Transformed IELTS Preparation

Users across the globe have shared how FixoLang has made a tangible difference in their speaking skills. By incorporating it into their study routine, many have seen remarkable improvements in their scores, showcasing the app’s effectiveness in real-world IELTS preparation.

Frequently Asked Questions

What score should I aim for in the IELTS?

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer; it depends on the requirements of the universities, employers, or immigration bodies you’re applying to.

How can FixoLang app help in my IELTS prep?

IELTSvarta offers a personalized, AI-powered practice platform, providing real-time feedback on your speaking skills, accessible anytime, anywhere. Download the FixoLang app now!

Can I retake the IELTS if I need to?

Absolutely! There’s no limit on attempts, so you’re free to aim for your best score.

Who needs to take the IELTS, and why?

Whether you’re chasing academic dreams, career moves, or new beginnings in another country, the IELTS is your first step toward those goals.

Conclusion: Your IELTS Journey Begins Now

Embarking on your IELTS journey is exciting, and with the right preparation and innovative tools like the FixoLang app, you’re well on your way to success. This journey is not just about reaching a destination but about growing your language skills and confidence. So, why wait? Dive in, start practicing, and open the door to a world of opportunities.

The Power of Conversation: How Regular English Speaking Practice Can Boost Fluency


How Regular English Speaking Practice Can Boost Fluency
How Regular English Speaking Practice Can Boost Fluency

In the journey of learning a new language, few practices are as impactful as regular conversation. English, being one of the most widely spoken languages globally, demands proficiency not just in grammar and vocabulary but also in the ability to communicate effectively. In this article, we explore the transformative power of conversation in enhancing English fluency and provide practical tips to make the most of your speaking practice sessions.

Understanding the Importance of Conversation:

  • Natural Language Acquisition: Conversing in English mimics the way native speakers communicate. Through conversation, learners are exposed to colloquial expressions, slang, and nuances that textbooks often fail to capture. This immersion in authentic language usage accelerates the learning process.
  • Cultural Insight: Language is deeply intertwined with culture. Engaging in conversations allows learners to gain insights into the cultural contexts in which English is used. This understanding enhances not only language proficiency but also cultural competence, a crucial skill in today’s interconnected world.
  • Building Confidence: Regular conversation builds confidence in speaking English. As learners engage in dialogues, express their thoughts, and navigate real-life situations, they gradually overcome the fear of making mistakes. This confidence is invaluable, as it empowers learners to communicate fluently in diverse settings.
  • Practical Application of Skills: While grammar and vocabulary are essential components of language learning, they are merely tools for effective communication. Conversation puts these skills into practice, allowing learners to apply what they’ve learned in a meaningful context. This practical application solidifies understanding and reinforces learning.

Tips for Effective English Speaking Practice:

  • Find a Language Partner: Partnering with a language exchange buddy or joining conversation groups provides valuable opportunities for regular practice. Interacting with native speakers or proficient learners exposes you to different accents, speech patterns, and communication styles, enriching your learning experience.
  • Set Realistic Goals: Establish specific, achievable goals for your speaking practice sessions. Whether it’s mastering a particular topic, improving pronunciation, or increasing fluency, setting targets keeps you motivated and focused on your learning objectives.
  • Embrace Mistakes: Mistakes are an inevitable part of the learning process. Instead of fearing them, embrace mistakes as learning opportunities. Reflect on errors, learn from them, and integrate feedback to enhance your speaking skills continually.
  • Diversify Topics: Engage in conversations on a wide range of topics to broaden your vocabulary and deepen your understanding of English. Discussing current events, hobbies, interests, or personal experiences not only keeps conversations engaging but also exposes you to diverse vocabulary and expressions.
  • Listen Actively: Effective communication involves active listening. Pay attention to the words, intonations, and non-verbal cues of your conversation partner. By actively listening, you not only understand better but also learn to respond appropriately, fostering smoother, more natural conversations.
  • Practice Consistently: Like any skill, proficiency in English speaking requires consistent practice. Incorporate speaking practice into your daily routine, even if it’s just a few minutes of conversation each day. Consistency is key to building fluency over time.
  • Seek Feedback: Solicit feedback from your conversation partners or language instructors. Constructive criticism helps identify areas for improvement and provides valuable insights into your progress. Use feedback to refine your English speaking skills and address any weaknesses effectively.

Utilizing EngVarta App for Enhanced English Speaking Practice:

In today’s digital age, technology has revolutionized language learning, making it more accessible and interactive than ever before. EngVarta, a leading english language learning app, offers a unique platform for learners to practice English speaking with live English experts. With EngVarta, users can engage in real-time conversations with experienced tutors, receiving personalized feedback and guidance tailored to their individual learning needs. This innovative approach not only provides valuable speaking practice but also offers instant support and encouragement, helping users overcome challenges and build confidence in their English speaking abilities. By incorporating EngVarta into their language learning routine, learners can harness the power of technology to accelerate their fluency journey and unlock new opportunities for linguistic growth and proficiency.


Regular English speaking practice is a cornerstone of language fluency. By engaging in conversations, learners not only enhance their language skills but also gain confidence, cultural insight, and practical communication abilities. By following the tips outlined in this article and embracing the power of conversation, learners can accelerate their journey towards English proficiency and unlock a world of opportunities for personal and professional growth. So, don’t hesitate—start speaking, start practicing, and watch your fluency soar!

Understanding Phrasal Verbs in English Grammar


Phrasal Verbs in English Grammar
Phrasal Verbs in English Grammar

English grammar is replete with various elements that add complexity and nuance to the language. Among these elements, phrasal verbs stand out as a distinctive feature, playing a crucial role in both spoken and written communication. Phrasal verbs consist of a main verb combined with one or more particles (prepositions or adverbs), and mastering them is essential for achieving fluency in English.

What are Phrasal Verbs?

A phrasal verb is formed by combining a verb with one or more particles, creating a new meaning that often differs from the individual words. These particles can be prepositions or adverbs. For example, the verb “look” combined with the preposition “up” creates the phrasal verb “look up,” which means to search for information.

Types of Phrasal Verbs

Phrasal verbs can be categorized into two main types:

 Transitive and intransitive

  • Transitive Phrasal Verbs:
      • These verbs are followed by an object, and the meaning of the verb often depends on the particle used. For instance, in the phrasal verb “look up,” the object could be a piece of information you are searching for.
    • Example: She looked up the word in the dictionary.
  • Intransitive Phrasal Verbs:
    • These verbs do not require an object. The meaning is often idiomatic, and it might not be apparent from the individual words.
  • Example: The children quickly ran out of the room when they heard the bell.

Separable and Inseparable Phrasal Verbs

Phrasal verbs can also be classified as separable or inseparable based on whether the object can be placed between the verb and the particle.

  • Separable Phrasal Verbs:
      • In these verbs, the object can come between the verb and the particle or follow the particle.
    • Example: She picked the book up. OR She picked up the book.
  • Inseparable Phrasal Verbs:
    • In these verbs, the object must follow the particle.
  • Example: They broke up last year.

Common Usage in Daily Communication

Phrasal verbs are pervasive in everyday English, and their usage adds a colloquial and natural touch to the language. While some learners find them challenging due to their varied meanings, mastering phrasal verbs enhances one’s ability to understand and express ideas effectively.

Here are some examples of commonly used phrasal verbs:

  • Call off:
      • Meaning: To cancel
      • Example: The meeting was called off due to unforeseen circumstances.
  • Bring up:
      • Meaning: To mention or introduce a topic
      • Example: She brought up an interesting point during the discussion.
  • Give in:
    • Meaning: To surrender or yield
    • Example: After a lengthy negotiation, they finally gave in to the demands.

Tips for Learning and Using Phrasal Verbs

  • Context is Key:
      • Pay attention to the context in which phrasal verbs are used, as this often provides clues to their meanings.
  • Read Widely:
      • Exposure to a variety of written material helps in encountering and understanding different phrasal verbs in diverse contexts.
  • Practice Regularly:
      • Actively use phrasal verbs in your speaking and writing to reinforce their usage and meanings.
  • Use Reference Materials:
    • Consult dictionaries or language resources that provide explanations and examples of phrasal verbs.

Have a look at EngVarta’s Phrasal Verbs series! In this video, we dive deep into the phrasal verbs associated with the word “Look.” Understanding phrasal verbs is crucial for English fluency, as they are commonly used in everyday conversation. Join us as we unravel the meanings, uses, and nuances of various ‘Look’ phrasal verbs, making your journey in English learning more comprehensive and enlightening.

🔍 What You’ll Learn:

  • Detailed explanations of phrasal verbs like ‘look up’, ‘look after’, ‘look into’, and more.
  • Contextual examples to showcase how each phrasal verb is used in everyday language.
  • Tips for remembering and applying these verbs in your own conversations.

📚 Phrasal Verb Mastery:

  • Discover the versatility of ‘Look’ in phrasal verb formations.
  • Learn the subtleties that differentiate similar phrasal verbs.
  • Enhance your understanding of English grammar in a practical way.

📘 Building Fluent English:

  • Exercises to practice and reinforce your understanding of ‘Look’ phrasal verbs.
  • Strategies to incorporate phrasal verbs into your active vocabulary.

👥 Engage with Our EngVarta Community:

  • Share sentences you’ve created using ‘Look’ phrasal verbs.
  • Get feedback and insights from fellow learners and experts.
  • This series is not just about learning phrasal verbs; it’s about gaining the confidence to use them fluently in your daily English. Stay tuned for more videos covering different phrasal verbs in our series!

Download EngVarta for more in-depth English grammar practice.


In conclusion, phrasal verbs are an integral part of English grammar, contributing to the language’s richness and versatility. While they may pose a challenge for learners, understanding their meanings and usage enhances one’s ability to communicate effectively. Regular practice, exposure to diverse contexts, and a keen awareness of how phrasal verbs function will undoubtedly contribute to mastering this essential aspect of English language proficiency.