Unlock Your Speaking Potential: a Friendly Guide to the IELTS Speaking Test with FixoLang

Mastering IELTS Speaking Test: Expert Tips via IELTSvarta

Make Your IELTS Speaking Test a Breeze with the FixoLang App. If you’re gearing up for the IELTS Speaking Test and feeling slightly nervous, you’re in the right place! The FixoLang app is your go-to buddy, packed with cool features to help you speak confidently and clearly. Let’s dive into how this app can transform your test prep from daunting to doable.

Understanding the IELTS Speaking Test

The IELTS Speaking Test checks how well you can chat in English about various topics. It’s like a friendly talk but in an exam setting, split into three parts, focusing on you, your opinions, and some deeper questions.

Using FixoLang to Prep Like a Pro For the IELTS Speaking Test

FixoLang is like having a personal coach in your pocket. With everything from practice questions (cue cards) to real-time feedback, it’s designed to make your prep as smooth as possible. The FixoLang app is currently available for download on the Play Store and the App Store.

Using Cue Cards to Generate Conversation

FixoLang cue cards give you an idea of the popular subjects covered in the test. You can become more comfortable discussing a wide range of topics, from your favorite book to more significant global issues, by practicing with these cards.

Making the Most of Live Assessments

The app’s live assessments put you in the test’s shoes, giving you a real taste of the speaking test environment. The feedback you get is gold, pointing out exactly where you can polish your skills.

Easy Vocabulary Boosts

Building your word bank doesn’t have to be boring. FixoLang introduces new words in a fun way, helping you sound more like a native speaker without the headache of rote learning.

Feedback That Helps You Grow

After each practice or live session, you’ll get feedback that’s all about you—what you’re doing great and where you could use a little boost. This personalized advice is key to focusing your efforts where they count.

Practicing Makes Perfect

Regular practice is your secret weapon. With FixoLang, setting up a daily routine is easy, helping you improve steadily and stay on track for test day success.

Overcoming Speaking Test Jitters

Feeling nervous? No worries! The app offers tips and tricks to build your confidence, plus the practice sessions help make the real test feel like just another chat.

Secret Tips for a Top Score

We’ve got insider advice to help you stand out. From how to structure your answers to adding a splash of personality, FixoLang has you covered.

Success Stories with FixoLang

Hear from folks just like you who nailed their speaking test thanks to their prep with FixoLang. Let their stories inspire your success.

Jumpstarting Your Practice with FixoLang

Getting started is a breeze. Download the app, create your profile, and kick off your practice with easy-to-follow guides and tips.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Soon Will I See Improvement?

It varies, but with consistent practice, you’ll likely notice progress in a few weeks.

Can I Use the App on Multiple Devices?

Sure thing! Your progress syncs across devices, so you can practice anytime, anywhere.

Is the Feedback from Real Teachers?

Yes, you get feedback from experienced instructors who know what it takes to ace the test.

How Long Should I Practice Each Day?

Even 15-20 minutes of focused practice can make a big difference.

Can FixoLang Help Me Improve My Accent?

Absolutely! Regular practice with the app can help you speak more clearly and naturally.


The IELTS Speaking Test doesn’t have to be scary. With FixoLang, you’ve got all the tools you need to improve your English speaking skills in a fun, effective way. Start your journey to speaking success today and show the IELTS who’s boss.

Guide to IELTS Speaking Cue Cards Test


Guide to IELTS Speaking cue cards
Guide to IELTS Speaking cue cards


What is an IELTS Cue Card?

The IELTS cue card is a part of the IELTS speaking test, which is designed to assess a candidate’s ability to communicate effectively in English. During the cue card section, the candidate is given a task card with a topic and some prompts related to it. They have one minute to prepare their response and then they have to speak on the topic for 2 minutes.

The topics on the cue card are usually based on common experiences, such as describing a favorite book, discussing a memorable event from their life, or talking about a person who has influenced them. The prompts on the card may include questions to help the candidate organize their thoughts, but the candidate is free to structure their response in any way they choose.

The purpose of the cue card section is to assess the candidate’s ability to speak fluently and coherently, organize their thoughts effectively, and use a range of vocabulary and grammar structures appropriately. It is an important part of the speaking test, and candidates should practice speaking on a variety of topics to prepare for it.

In the IELTS Speaking test, the cue card topic usually follows a specific pattern. The pattern is as follows:


Introduction: The examiner will give you a cue card with a topic written on it. You will be given one minute to prepare your response. During this time, you should read the topic carefully and make some notes if necessary.

Cue card topic: After the preparation time is up, the examiner will ask you to start speaking. You will be given a cue to begin, such as “Please start speaking now.”

Talk: You will then have up to two minutes to talk about the topic. You should try to cover all the points mentioned on the cue card and also add your own ideas if possible. Make sure to speak clearly and at a natural pace.

Follow-up questions: After you have finished speaking, the examiner may ask you some follow-up questions related to the topic. These questions will be designed to test your ability to express your ideas and opinions in greater depth.

Common Subjects for Cue Card Topics

Overall, the cue card topic in the IELTS Speaking test follows a specific pattern that allows you to showcase your language skills and ability to communicate effectively.

The cue card topics in the IELTS Speaking test can cover a wide range of subjects, but they usually fall into some general categories. Some of the most common subjects out of which most of the cue card topics are framed include:

Personal experiences: These can include topics such as describing a memorable event from your childhood, talking about a recent trip you took, or sharing a hobby or interest you have.

Education and work: Topics related to education and work can include discussing your favorite subject in school, describing your ideal job, or talking about a challenging project you worked on.

Society and culture: Topics related to society and culture can include discussing your favorite book or movie, talking about a festival or celebration in your country, or sharing your views on a social issue.

Technology: Topics related to technology can include discussing your favorite app or website, describing how technology has changed your life, or sharing your views on the impact of technology on society.

Future plans and goals: These can include topics such as describing your dream vacation, talking about your career aspirations, or sharing your views on where you see yourself in the future.

Family: You may be asked to talk about your family, describe a family tradition or celebration, or share your views on the importance of family.

Time-based: Topics related to time can include discussing how you manage your time, describing a time when you were late for an important event, or sharing your views on the impact of technology on the way we use our time.

Favorite food or drink: You may be asked to talk about your favorite food or drink, how you prepare it, or why you like it.

Favorite place: You may be asked to describe your favorite place, such as a city, a beach, or a park, and explain why it’s your favorite.

Favorite book or movie: You may be asked to talk about your favorite book or movie, what you liked about it, and why you would recommend it to others.

Favorite hobby or activity: You may be asked to describe your favorite hobby or activity, why you enjoy it, and how you got started.

Occasions: You may be asked to talk about a special occasion, such as a wedding or graduation ceremony, and describe what happened, who was there, and how you felt.

Object: Topics related to objects can include describing your favorite possession, discussing the importance of a particular object, or talking about a gift you received.

Emotions: You may be asked to talk about a time when you felt a strong emotion, such as happiness, sadness, or anger, and describe what happened and how you dealt with it.

Person: Topics related to people can include talking about a role model, describing a family member or friend, or discussing someone who has had a significant impact on your life.

Place: You may be asked to describe a place you have visited, such as a city or a natural attraction, and discuss what you liked about it and what you did there.

It’s important to note that these are just a few examples, and the topics included in the IELTS Speaking test can vary widely. Therefore, it’s important to prepare for a range of topics to be fully prepared for the test.

List of some common IELTS speaking Cue Cards topics with Answers

  • Describe a person who has influenced your life in a positive way.
  • Describe a memorable event from your childhood.
  • Describe a place you would like to visit.
  • Describe a book you have read recently.
  • Describe a hobby you enjoy.
  • Describe a time when you had to overcome a difficult situation.
  • Describe a place where you go to relax.
  • Describe a famous person who you admire.
  • Describe a meal that you enjoyed.
  • Describe a technological device that you use often.

These are just a few examples of the many cue card topics that may be used in the IELTS speaking test. It’s important to note that the topics may vary depending on the version of the IELTS test you take and the country you are taking it in.

Here are some sample answers for the common IELTS speaking cue card topics mentioned above:

  • Describe a person who has influenced your life in a positive way.

My mother has been the most influential person in my life. She has always been my role model and taught me the importance of hard work and perseverance. She has always encouraged me to pursue my dreams and has supported me every step of the way.

  • Describe a memorable event from your childhood.

One of the most memorable events from my childhood was when I went on a camping trip with my family. We spent a week in the woods, exploring nature, building campfires, and sleeping under the stars. It was a truly unforgettable experience that I will always cherish.

  • Describe a place you would like to visit.

One place that I would love to visit is Japan. I’m fascinated by the country’s unique culture and history, and I’ve always been intrigued by the beautiful landscapes and architecture. I would love to try authentic Japanese food and immerse myself in the local traditions.

  • Describe a book you have read recently.

I recently read “The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho. It’s a beautiful story about a shepherd boy who goes on a journey to discover his purpose in life. I found the book to be inspiring and thought-provoking, and it gave me a new perspective on the importance of following my dreams.

  • Describe a hobby you enjoy.

One of my favorite hobbies is playing the guitar. I find it to be a great way to relax and express myself creatively. I love learning new songs and experimenting with different styles of music. It’s a rewarding hobby that has brought me a lot of joy over the years.

  • Describe a time when you had to overcome a difficult situation.

One difficult situation that I had to overcome was when I lost my job a few years ago. It was a tough time, but I was able to stay positive and focused on finding a new opportunity. I updated my resume, networked with colleagues, and applied to countless job openings. Eventually, I landed a new job that was even better than my previous one.

  • Describe a place where you go to relax.

One of my favorite places to relax is a park near my house. It’s a peaceful and quiet spot with lots of greenery and a pond. I love going there to read a book, take a walk, or simply sit and enjoy the scenery. It’s a great way to escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

  • Describe a famous person who you admire.

One famous person who I admire is Malala Yousafzai. She is an incredibly brave and inspiring individual who has dedicated her life to promoting education and fighting for women’s rights. Despite facing many challenges and threats, she has remained committed to her cause and continues to be a role model for people around the world.

  • Describe a meal that you enjoyed.

One meal that I really enjoyed was when I went to a Thai restaurant with some friends. We ordered a variety of dishes, including pad thai, green curry, and tom yum soup. The flavors were amazing, and the presentation of the dishes was beautiful. It was a memorable dining experience that I would love to repeat.

  • Describe a technological device that you use often.

One technological device that I use often is my smartphone. It’s an essential tool for staying connected with friends and family, accessing information, and completing tasks. I use it to make calls, send messages, check my email, and browse social media. It’s amazing how much technology has transformed our lives in such a short amount of time.

How are IELTS Cue Cards Marked?

The IELTS Cue Card is marked according to four criteria:

  1. Fluency and coherence: This measures how well you can speak continuously and how well you can connect your ideas together. You will be assessed on your ability to use linking words and phrases, organize your thoughts, and express yourself clearly and logically.
  2. Vocabulary/Lexical Resource: This measures your ability to use a range of vocabulary accurately and appropriately. You will be assessed on your use of both common and academic vocabulary, as well as your ability to use idiomatic expressions and collocations.
  3. Grammar: This measures your ability to use grammatical structures accurately and appropriately. You will be assessed on your use of tenses, sentence structure, and other grammatical features.
  4. Pronunciation: This measures your ability to produce sounds and intonation patterns that are clear and easy to understand. You will be assessed on your ability to use stress, intonation, and rhythm appropriately.

Each criterion is marked on a scale from 0 to 9, and the scores are averaged to give an overall band score for your cue card. The examiner will use a detailed scoring rubric to evaluate your performance on each criterion and provide feedback on your strengths and weaknesses.

For example, let us assume below are the scores of a candidate in IELTS Cue Card:

  • Fluency and Coherence: 6
  • Vocabulary / Lexical resource: 6.5
  • Grammar: 7
  • Pronunciation: 6

The total comes out to be 25.5.

So, divide this by 4, which comes to 6.3 on average. It is the band score.

Tips to prepare for IELTS Cue Card

Remember, the key to success on the IELTS Cue Card is practice. The more you practice, the more confident you will feel on test day. Preparing for the IELTS Cue Card involves a few important steps. Here are some tips to help you prepare effectively:

  1. Familiarize yourself with the topics: The topics for the IELTS Cue Card can be quite broad and cover a range of themes, such as family, work, hobbies, or travel. Reviewing and practicing with a list of common topics can help you feel more prepared.
  2. Practice speaking: The best way to prepare for the IELTS Cue Card is to practice speaking on a range of topics. Find a study partner or a tutor and practice speaking for 2 minutes on different topics. This will help you get comfortable with the format and improve your fluency.
  3. Use linking words and phrases: To make your speech sound more coherent, use linking words and phrases to connect your ideas and create a clear structure. Examples of linking words include “moreover,” “in addition,” and “however.”
  4. Use examples: To demonstrate your understanding of a topic and support your ideas, use examples. For instance, if the topic is “Describe a memorable holiday,” you could talk about a specific trip you took and what made it special.
  5. Practice managing your time: During the exam, you will have a limited amount of time to prepare and speak. Practice managing your time effectively so that you can use the 1 minute of preparation time to plan your speech and use the 2 minutes of speaking time to deliver your ideas clearly and concisely.

Best of luck for your IELTS Speaking Cue Cards Test!!

And if you are appearing for the IELTS speaking test then here is the comprehensive guide to improve spoken English for the IELTS test/exam.

For regular English speaking practice for IELTS Speaking test, download the EngVarta App now. It is an English speaking practice app where you can practice speaking in English with live English expert!