A Comprehensive Guide to the Exam Pattern of IELTS 2024

A Comprehensive Guide to the Exam Pattern of IELTS 2024

Facing the IELTS 2024 exam might seem daunting, but with the right preparation and tools, it becomes an achievable goal. The IELTS measures your English skills in listening, reading, writing, and speaking, which is crucial for anyone looking to study, work, or live in English-speaking environments. This detailed guide will walk you through the exam pattern of IELTS 2024 and introduce you to the FixoLang app, a specialized tool for boosting your speaking abilities, ensuring you’re well-prepared for every part of the exam.

Unlocking the Secrets of the Exam Pattern of IELTS 2024

Why the IELTS Exam Is Your Gateway to New Opportunities

The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is your key to unlocking a world of opportunities in English-speaking countries. Excelling in this exam can set the foundation for studying at top universities, embarking on an international career, or migrating to countries like the UK, Canada, and Australia.

Describing the IELTS 2024 Exam Structure

Understanding the exam pattern of IELTS 2024 is the first step to success. The test assesses your proficiency in the four core English language skills: listening, reading, writing, and speaking, each reflecting real-life use of English in academic and professional settings.

Exam Pattern of IELTS 2024: Deep Dive into the IELTS Sections

Listening: Mastering the Art of Attention

Strategies for Exceptional Listening Skills: Active listening to various English content, such as podcasts, lectures, and news, sharpens your ability to catch every detail, preparing you for the diverse accents and situations in the exam.

Reading: Strategies for Success

Maximizing Your Reading Score: Practice reading widely, from scientific articles to literature and news reports. Learning to quickly grasp the main ideas and details will boost your speed and understanding, which is essential for the time-pressured exam.

Writing: Communicating with Clarity

Guidelines for Impactful Writing: The writing section tests your ability to express ideas clearly and logically. Whether describing data or crafting an essay, practice is key. Focus on structuring your writing and using a variety of sentence forms and vocabulary.

Speaking: Confidence is Key

Enhancing Your Speaking with Practice: This section is your chance to show how well you can communicate in English. Using tools like the FixoLang app to practice speaking on a wide range of topics can significantly improve your fluency and confidence.

Why the FixoLang App is a Game-Changer for Speaking Practice  

The FixoLang app is an innovative tool designed to enhance your speaking skills. With its AI-driven feedback and comprehensive practice options, it’s like having a personal IELTS coach available anytime. The FixoLang app is currently available for download on the Play Store and the App Store.

    • A Wide Range of Practice Topics: Prepare for any speaking topic with the app’s extensive library of cue cards.
    • Immediate Scoring: Get instant feedback on your performance to know where you stand.
    • Around-the-Clock Practice: Fit practice into your schedule easily, thanks to 24/7 app access.
    • Personalized Improvement Tips: Receive specific advice on enhancing your grammar, clarity, and vocabulary.

Extending Your Preparation Beyond Speaking

Extending IELTS preparation beyond speaking involves mastering listening, reading, and writing skills through diverse practice materials, timed exercises, and regular feedback. This holistic approach enhances comprehension and expression, crucial for achieving a higher overall band score.

Frequently Asked Questions for Acing the IELTS

Can using the FixoLang App improve my overall band score?

Yes, using the FixoLang App specifically targets enhancing your speaking abilities, which is a critical component of the IELTS. Improved speaking skills can positively impact your overall band score by building greater confidence and proficiency in using the English language conversationally.

How does the FixoLang App help in IELTS speaking preparation?

The FixoLang App offers personalized feedback, immediate scoring, and a vast library of practice topics, making it an essential tool for improving your speaking skills. Its 24/7 availability allows for flexible practice schedules, and the AI-driven feedback helps in pinpointing areas for improvement.

What are the best ways to improve speaking skills for IELTS 2024?

Utilize tools like the FixoLang App to practice speaking. This app offers a wide range of topics and provides AI-driven feedback, helping you enhance fluency and confidence. Additionally, engage in regular conversations in English, focusing on clarity and grammar.

What is the structure of the IELTS 2024 exam?

The IELTS 2024 exam is structured into four main sections: Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking. Each section is designed to test your English language proficiency in different contexts, mirroring real-life situations in academic and professional environments.

How can I improve my listening skills for the IELTS 2024?

To enhance your listening skills, engage in active listening practices. This includes regularly listening to English-language podcasts, lectures, and news broadcasts. Focus on understanding different accents and picking up nuances in conversations to better prepare for the variety of situations presented in the exam.

What strategies can help increase my reading score in IELTS 2024?

Boost your reading score by practicing with a wide range of texts. Include scientific articles, literature, and news reports in your preparation. Work on your ability to quickly identify main ideas and detailed information, which is essential for managing the time-limited nature of the reading section.

How should I prepare for the writing section of the IELTS 2024?

Prepare for the writing section by practicing structured writing. Whether you are describing data or writing an essay, focus on clear and logical expression. Use diverse sentence structures and enrich your vocabulary to effectively convey your ideas.

Conclusion: Your Blueprint for IELTS Success

The IELTS 2024 exam is a crucial step towards achieving your global ambitions, and thorough preparation is key to success. By understanding the exam format, practicing diligently, and utilizing resources like the FixoLang app, you can approach the test with confidence. Start your journey today, and open the door to a world of opportunities.

How to Improve Spoken English for the IELTS Exam

how to improve spoken english
how to improve spoken English for IELTS Exam

You have a dream to pursue a career in a foreign country or work in a company abroad & that is the reason you’re appearing for the IELTS. Maybe it’s your first attempt or maybe it’s your 2nd – this article will give you the methods which will surely improve your chances to ace the test ( if applied correctly).

If you’re new to the IELTs program and want to learn about the test pattern & the efforts required to achieve your target ielts score, read this article – IELTS Exam – Everything you need to know.

The IELTS exam consists of 4 sections – Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening.

For some students, the Listening section is difficult while for others, the most difficult part is Writing. But according to surveys on IELTS tests and it’s modules, Speaking test turns out to be the most challenging part of IELTS for many students. 

And it’s obvious as well because most of us did not get the environment to practice speaking in English during our school days. We always took English as a subject of study and have feared speaking in English because of mistakes.

So since the speaking test is the most challenging part – let’s try to understand how you can improve yourself in that arena.

The score of speaking test depend on following parameters :

  1.  Grammar
  2.  Vocabulary
  3.  Fluency
  4.  Pronunciation

The examiner will check whether you can comprehend the question and answer accurately. Here accuracy doesn’t mean having subject knowledge instead how fluently you can speak without making mistakes & breaking a sweat.

The topics of the IELTS Exams are based mostly on your family, interest, career, education, culture, or country – these are the topics that you are generally familiar with – so all you need is practice to express yourself effortlessly.

Now let’s look at the tips on how to prepare for the speaking test of the IELTS exam or how to increase your IELTS speaking score.

TIP 1 :  Become an Implicit leaner of the English language

Let us first apprehend what Implicit learning is. The main goal of Implicit learning is understanding practically instead of mugging it up and bore yourself with information.

Let me ask you a question, how did you learn following skills:

  1. Your native language
  2. Eating, walking
  3. Using a mobile phone.

Did you go through any formal training for these skills – like reading a rule book and then following that? 

Nope! Right? 

You learnt these skills just by observing and trying yourself. And you weren’t great in the beginning however you embraced the failures and made it your mission to master these skills and look – how easily you can perform these tasks now.

Studies have shown that people learned fast when they followed the implicit method of learning English. Here are some real life examples to backup what I am saying : 

[Jhanvi panwar a girl from a village in Haryana who mastered English fluency at the age of just 9 in 3 different accents ] Watch her video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QoLvWtJ0-xo 

Jhanvi had parents who pushed her to do better in her life but now let’s look at another extraordinary example of women from Rajasthan who had no education but she is able to understand and speak in English. Watch the video to know more about her story.


Learn – How can Implicit Learning help you improve your Spoken English for IELTS?

In Part 2 of the speaking test, you will have a face to face conversation with the examiner. In this interaction the examiner will ask you to speak on a given topic for 1 to 2 mins.

Let me tell you that there are a majority of people who feel nervous while talking to other people in English. If you also feel the same, here are some efficient and easy tips to improve your English communication skills and confidence.

TIP 2: Use FlashCards

Learning and memorizing vocabulary can be an uphill battle for some. 

It is for me !

And our purpose is to make life easier for you. 

Flashcard is a go-to option if you hate memorizing vocabulary.

So, this activity-based learning can help you to learn vocabulary and use them in your daily English conversation.

The method is very simple.  All you need to do is write the word on one side of the paper and the meaning on the other side. You can also use pictures to have a better understanding of the word. 

In case, If you find it difficult to choose words on a daily basis. You can Subscribe to EngVarta’s vocabulary series for learning new words each day. This series will help you discover new words on a daily basis with weekly revision and activities. 

There are many free websites and mobile applications where you can learn new words using Flashcard and improve your English speaking skills for IELTS. 

Free IELTS Vocabulary Flashcards – This website will provide you with 200 IELTS vocabulary for making a better impression during your speaking test.

Vocabulary Flashcards – This website will provide you flashcards in alphabetical order. You will be able to learn the meaning of the word along with the synonyms and antonyms.

TIP 3 : Practice Speaking English with live English trainers

IELTS Speaking exam is an intense one on one interview between you and the examiner. The 11 – 16 minutes of conversation will check how accurate & comfortable you are in speaking English.

 It is important that while doing your preparations, you get a mentor who can help you in preparing and speaking effortlessly. 

Since you will be asked questions based on your life and profession – a natural tone and an effortless way of answering is important to clear the test. A mentor who has prior experience on IELTS or someone who has already cleared the test is the best person to guide you during this phase.

While doing your practice, it is important that someone points your grammatical error and gives you constructive feedback.

If you wish to practice with live English experts sitting at the comfort of your home – Go for EngVarta app. It is a platform where live English experts focus on your English speaking skills, correct your mistakes, guides you and motivates you. 

Checkout this video to know more about how EngVarta English Practice session works.

TIP 4 : Master Speech Shadowing 

It’s all about copying what you like – the way you copy a good style from someone the same way it’s time to copy & learn speaking style from others.

Just like babies do – whatever they see they copy it. They will copy the way you act, talk or walk everything…

Sounds familiar right?… 

The same thing happens when you start watching a lot of English movies and shows. For instance, I used to watch F.R.I.E.N.D.S and started speaking like Joey ( my fav. Character from the show ). No kidding!

Speech shadowing is rarely used but it’s a very effective technique to gain fluency in any language. To do this you simply need to listen to an English content and then repeat it in your words in the exact way that person did. When I say the exact way, try to match the tone, pronunciation and energy level. This is a very existing exercise.

English Learners at EngVarta do this on a daily basis – after their conversation with a Live expert – they are advised to listen to their call recording imagining that they are the expert in that call. They repeat what the experts are saying how they are saying it; this helps them improve their sentence structure, pronunciation & accent. Next day they sound a little more like their experts. 

Try it and let me know if you experience the same.

If you ask me what are the benefits of doing Speech shadowing. This is what I have to say : 

  • It helps you deal with fumbling while talking.
  • It will help you in improving your fluency, sentence structure and pronunciation. 
  • It will also bring clarity to your speech.


There is always a confusion among the candidates whether they should use or avoid filler words while giving the IELTS speaking test. However, if you have heard a native English speaker, you must have realized that they often use filler words which actually makes it sound like a conversation rather than a monotonous speech.

To not make the article longer, we have crafted a separate article for Filler words where we have thoroughly written about What are fillers words & Is it good to use them?


So, these are some methods that you can use to help yourself practice for the speaking test and ace it. Even if you speak English at a beginner level, you can adapt all these methods to improve English for the IELTS exam.

Speaking in English may seem difficult or you may hesitate when you start to do it. But with consistent practice, it will soon become a habit. Even if you speak English at a beginner level, you can adapt all these methods to improve English for the IELTS exam.

IELTs exam is just to ensure you are comfortable with the language and you’re able to express yourself without any hiccups. In simple words English comes easily to you.

If you start sweating while speaking in English –  try to relax and think of it as a tool of communication to express yourself – that’s all. And embrace mistakes and learn from them. Don’t let the mistakes bring you down instead you turn them into stepping stones to raise your English speaking level.