Resolutions are overrated – Try this to improve your English in 2023 🎁

Hi there,

I have seen people taking resolutions over and over each year but still not able to improve their English.

It goes like this: I will improve my English in 2023. You feel pumped for a few days, you try new things but after some time, you get caught up in work and you forget about it.

And then when the year has passed you wonder what is wrong with me, why can’t I just stick to one thing and achieve it 🙁

You know – nothing is wrong with you, it’s just resolutions don’t work until you put in the effort. That’s why instead of a resolution, I believe in building habits – habits last for a lifetime. And it’s quite easy to develop a habit as well.

So if you truly want to improve your English in 2023, then ask these questions to yourself:

  • Who are you going to practice with?
  • How long will you practice daily?
  • How will you be reminded to practice?
  • Who will keep you accountable?
  • And most importantly what’s at stake if you achieve it vs you don’t achieve it?

At EngVarta, we’ve made it easy for you to practice English daily for 15 to 60 mins with a live English expert from the comfort of your place.

And not just that the app reminds you at your selected hour to practice daily & in case you skip a few days of practice, our customer support team keeps you accountable through phone check-ins.

EngVarta has not just done that but also developed a roadmap for you to follow this year to achieve English fluency. To see your roadmap open the EngVarta app -> Tap on the menu -> Tap on ‘My achievement’.

On every milestone, a new level is unlocked and you also receive a certificate of achievement. If you have been a user of EngVarta, you might have already unlocked some levels, so go ahead and check your progress and resume your practice to achieve your English learning goal in 2023.

Besides this – it is a new year and I can’t close this email without offering a gift to you from my end – this year my gift to you is coupon code GOAL – which will help you avail up to 55% discount on your English practice plan.

Remember to remind yourself – Why do you need to improve your English?
Write it down on a piece of paper and pin or paste it to a wall where you can see it daily to keep you motivated.

I wish you all the very best & a Happy New Year!

Take care 🙂
Ashish Pandey ( EngVarta Founder )

Build a Habit to speak in English view Plans

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