Dhanteras Letter from Ashish Pandey ( EngVarta Founder & CEO )

You know there is a saying that : whatever investments we make on dhanteras – it brings back a lot of prosperity in our life.

So what investment have you made today?

Was it gold or silver coins..? well there is one more important investment that you should make today.

You know in the current time the most valuable thing we possess are our skills.
Good Skills mean – a good job, promotion & overall a better lifestyle.

But this doesn’t happen with all of us inspite of having good core skills in our respective field, and you know why because we forget to focus on one most important skill which is English communication.

And when communication skills are not strong we often fail to communicate our value to others and hence the job or promotion which we deserve is given to someone else who communicates better than us.

So this Dhanteras – along with gold & silver coins, let’s also invest in our most important skill – English communication so that it brings back all the missing prosperity that you deserve in your life.

On EngVarta app we have a Diwali sale going on so this is the best time to invest cause you can save upto 55% on your practice plan & also make a pathway for a more prosperous future.

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Thank you for reading – if you have any questions feel free to reply and our support team will help you right away.

 Happy Dhanteras
Ashish Pandey ( EngVarta Founder )




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