- Have you ever wondered why you can speak your native language fluently but when it comes to English most of us fumble?
Is it that your mother tongue is comparatively easier than English. Think again is it easier or you find it easy because you have been speaking it from childhood. - We feel more comfortable with our native language because we have listened and adapted it from as long as we can remember. Now, imagine if you have had learned English similarly, wouldn’t your English be as flawless as well?
We have grown up without really getting comfortable with English. So what can be done now to make English our strength? Why don’t we learn from children only, the right mantra to learn any language. The moment a child is born we start speaking to them, mostly to soothe them and to shower our love on them. As they grow, we start talking to them more frequently showing them the fan, the light, their tummy, their nose. Babies gently begin to memorize these words and understand their meanings. When they turn a little older, they start calling things around them by their name.
Lesson No. 1. Listen, listen and listen.
The more you’ll listen, the better your brain will grab that language. You have a varied variety of options – English songs, movies, Tv shows, news, online shows, videos, speeches, interviews, audio novels, anything and everything that features English as the main language.
It is not that easy to consistently listening to English as it is sounding to you. Many times we do not understand what the speaker has fluently said in English. We have the solution to this problem as well, moreover not just one but three.
First – If someone can talk to you in English regularly, make them your new best friend and listen to them as much as possible.
Second – Start slow, concentrate on Indian English news channels, Interviews of Indians in English as mostly due to accent we understand them easily.
Third – Listen to songs after reading the lyrics or watch once with subtitles and then without it for a better understanding of what they have said.
Lesson no. 2. Repeat.
A child firstly don’t know what a fan is? They are told the same thing repeatedly by showing the fan that ‘this is a fan’. Similarly to make your brain register English better, listen to the same thing more than a few times. Exactly the way you know the dialogues of your favorite movie by heart, in the same manner, you should get well versed with these English sentences as well.
Lesson no. 3. Practice.
A stage comes when children become COPYCAT and they start to repeat whatever you say. Actually, they are adding those words in their vocabulary so that they can use them when required ever after.
The same thing you have to do, just spell again and again what you hear. Automatically you will feel the improvements in your pronunciation, you’ll discover more new words and above all, you will automatically start learning the proper use of a word as well.
Lesson no. 4. Lose your fear.
A child isn’t afraid of making mistakes or asking questions, adopt the same attitude. Firstly, you will have to overcome of your fear of speaking English.
Secondly, if you do not understand something or meaning of any word then without any hesitation ask the meaning of that word or phrase. It might happen that you get to gain something new in asking your query.
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